MOP reflector for hotlips heatsink? Where?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
I got an MOP reflector from five mega today. However, I was not bright enough to read the the whole description. The opening was dimensioned for a smaller lightbulb. It did not fit my intended application, a hotlips c heatsink.
Should i proceed and try to drill a larger hole? If not, where to find a suitable reflector.
No, the drilling itself should not be too hard. I succeeded with a small reflector, Lumapower 301. What makes me hesitate is that this reflector is a tiny bit shorter than my cut down original mag reflector. The opening hole on this reflector is 8 about mm. 15 mm is needed. I am worried that the bottom part will be to thick for keeping the right focus.

But surely somewhere there must be someone who makes reflectors that will accommodate the hotlips heatsink?
What about stippling the stock plastic Mag reflector slightly with a spraycan of clearcoat? You would have to remove the cammed section of the stock reflector from the upper part but that would only take a few minutes.
LumenHound said:
What about stippling the stock plastic Mag reflector slightly with a spraycan of clearcoat? You would have to remove the cammed section of the stock reflector from the upper part but that would only take a few minutes.

To open a metal reflector up for a hotlips the hole would need to be just under .600 and would be difficult to perform with a drill.

If you concerned with beam quality then I would just lightly fog the stock reflector with clear coat it work beautifully to smooth out the beam but you do loose alot of throw.


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