More efficient DC/DC conversion? New TI chip.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2004
I may have missed it, but I'm sort of suprised I haven't seen this posted earlier. Apparently, TI has released, or will release a new DC/DC converter IC with unprecedented efficiency. The chip designation is "TPS61200". There is a post on that discusses the possibilities of the chip with respect to using solar cells to power cell phones. They talk about input voltages down to 0.3V, and converter efficiencies at 90%. This might extend (flashlight) runtimes quite a bit. It might be all hype, but here is the link:

Here are links to the data sheet. The first link redirects to the second.
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Hi there,

I was going to take a look at this chip but couldnt find a data sheet.
I did find out that the internal switches are only 1.5 amps though, so
at 0.3 volts input that limits the output power to less than half a watt,
but then i dont know anybody who needs an input of 0.3 volts.
I guess we should see the data sheet before making any judgements though.
Hi again,

It's an interesting chip, although it's a very tiny package (3mm x 3mm).
The efficiency doesnt look that good for some inputs, just as i suspected.

Looks like a min of 1v to power a 1 watt Luxeon.
Interesting for running off solar cells as they say. Not that interesting for use in flashlights, since the efficiency is nothing special compared to other converters (plenty that can do 90%+ in optimum conditions, and this only manages 90%+ for a similarly limited range), and the USP of being able to run down to 0.3V isn't that useful given that an alkaline is effectively drained at 0.8V.