More Fenix and Microstream Lego


Newly Enlightened
Aug 27, 2006
I purchased a microstream and liked it enough that I got two more after I gave one to my girlfriend... one however only worked intermittently and I wasn't sure why.

Anyway, I decided to try and take it apart and since it didn't work very well I wasn't really concerned about the finish, so a couple multi-tools marks later :)mecry:) I finally got the head off.

After reading on other threads about some fenix parts fitting the microstream, I was interested in seeing if anything I had would fit. The only fenix light I had though was an E01, and the threads on the head are male so that wouldn't work, but once I took the clicky switch off the microstream I found the body of the E01 fit on the end.

So now I have a 2x AAA twisty flashlight with a Microstream head and body attached to an E01 body... the beam doesn't particularly look much brighter though, I just thought it was interesting. I don't know anything about the circuitry and I'm assuming I'm in series so I wasn't sure why it wasn't noticeably brighter. I'm thinking of trying to just keep it on and see if it lasts any longer. Sorry no pics yet...
Update: It lasted 1 hour and 42 minutes on 2x energizer alkalines. The stock microstream is still going (1x rayovac alkaline)

*edit* stock microstream died around 2 hours and 10 min
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