More fun with Heat Shrink Tubing


Apr 19, 2004
I didn't get it to slide all the way down on this first attempt(hence the bezel not being covered), but I found that 1/2" HS tube works great on the body of a SL Stylus Pro. Very tight and grippy...almost seems like it was made that way.

I need to get around to doing that to my Proton, it's getting beaten up riding around in my pocket with my keys and pocket knife. Not sure how to work around the button though.

Thanks for the idea!
very nice!
we used a smaller strip of glow in the dark shrink tubing for our light.
Here is the re-done version which covers the front and back. MUCH better!

I don't know if the heat shrink we get in the Uk is different from that sold in the states but my experience with heat shrink is that it always loosens up over a period of a week or so and becomes unusable.

Am I missing something?

We have some heavy-wall glue lined heat shrink that I use for making strain reliefs on coax patch cords that doesn't ever come off if you're worried about that.
That sounds interesting!!

My fear was the "rip, tear...roll up" of the material. If it is glue lined I would gather the incidence of this would be less
It also comes in many colors including clear.

If it loosens it can simply be re-heated to tighten up also.

Great use.
A nice idea, but one potential problem (ironically) may be overheating. The heat-shrink might act as a fairly efficient heat insulator, allowing the head (and maybe the battery compartment) to overheat.

It would be interesting to hear whether or not you find this is a problem.
I mentioned the heat issue on USN when someone brought it up...I don't use my Fenix lights in the brighter modes for long use, only intermittent use. Plus, if you are concerned with that you can pull them off (the head part) and slide it back on later. I've had a few lights wrapped like this for a while with no problems. I wrapped some tight O-rings around the head on my P2D both to keep it in place and as a sort of grip ring while using it in a cigar-type-grip. I'll try and get pics up of it later.

And just like Kydex, you can give it a seconds blast with a heat gun and tighten it up if you so choose...I just haven't had any problems with that sort of thing.

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