Most carried light, only 1.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 3, 2021
Have a bunch of lights like many people here.
Olight, Fenix, Elzetta, Surefire, Malkoff. My preference is for cr123 cells.
I rotate the lights I carry,
But ...
There is always one that gets the most pocket time.
Mine is the Surefire Edc L1t.
When I bought it I never thought I would like it so much, can't even really explain why it gets grabbed up the most, definitely not the smallest light I have.
seems to end up with me the bulk of the time, like 5 out of 7 days.

Sure this happens to others here, not necessarily the same brand, but we all have that one light.
HDS rotary. Currently NLT but want to change up emitter at some point. (Want bigger hotspot)
Hds does seem to be "the 1" for many on this site, but they pretty much not available.
Had considered getting one but not only cost a lot, couldn't really justify it as have more than I need already.
No doubt great lights and not surprised that they get the bulk of pocket time with owners.
Peak Eiger

I admit I'm not a user requiring light all day. I don't carry backups in case two fail. The Eiger is more than enough light for me.
I've been using the same L91 for 6 months.
Most of my uses is needing to find something inside my truck.
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4Sevens Preon ReVO. It looks rough, but still works like a champ. It has been on my key ring for at least 10 years, and was the light that displaced my Arc AAA. I also have a Nitecore TuBE in my pocket most days.
Have one too, just too big to pocket carry daily (imo), great light though.
Completely depends on the pants. Business pants, its going to be too big. Skinny jeans, not gonna happen. Relaxed fit jeans, its not that bad actually. I find myself wearing heavy duty work pants like duluth fire hose cargo pants almost all of the time these days. And the 6P just disapears in those. The other light I carry a bit is my edcl1-t. But mostly when I am out and about on the town and dressed more appropriately for a date.