Mount an M6 on Ar?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 18, 2009
Hi, I am new to this forum and I love it! I have a question. I just bought a surefire m6 and wanted to know if there is a mount made to attach it to an ar15 picatinny rail. I really love the light it is awesomely powerful. I believe one could mount the M4 fairly easily but I haven't been able to locate a mount to accommodate the m6's larger handle.

Happy Holidays!

I was considering something like that. That light would be awesome on an AR but would be a heavy beast, though.

I'm not sure there's a mount, Surefire actually make the M500 lights that are essentially M6 performance in a slightly different format and dedicated fittings.
The M500B dedicate forend WeaponLight is a solution...
Opting for the SureFire M4 is another - almost the same output with significantly more straightforward mounting options...

I suspect that these aren't viable solutions because Dave already has an M6.
Thanks for all the replies! I like the Surefire dedicated fore ends, I might go that way. The SF M4 is great as well. Hmmm, I will prolly go with the M4 although I already have the M6. Can't have too many SF's.

take care,

Just thought I give you this nugget. Most tip of the spear types don't use anymore light than a SF P60L. The reason is because white light is for indoor use, and anymore than a P60L can blind you, white light use outdoors is questionable, it just makes you a target. The method most currently teach is the flashbulb method, just quick use of the momentary switch, again the idea is to not make a target of yourself.
Good Point. I currently us a Safariland RLs 65 lumens and it is blinding inside the house at close range. I really like the RLS mounting system and swap it easily between the AR and a SIG railed pistol.

Just thought I give you this nugget. Most tip of the spear types don't use anymore light than a SF P60L. The reason is because white light is for indoor use, and anymore than a P60L can blind you, white light use outdoors is questionable, it just makes you a target. The method most currently teach is the flashbulb method, just quick use of the momentary switch, again the idea is to not make a target of yourself.

Well said...

I use a SF M952 w/ Malkoff M60 on my short-barrel rifle for CQB... It's pretty bright, but wouldn't say it blinds me... maybe I'm just used to it

On my duty rifle I've opted for the SF M962 with MN10... Since our duty rifles are mainly for outdoor use, I like the reach of the M3 bezel for identifying targets a good ways out... I used to have the KT4 on there but it's just too dang bulky...

I've considered making my duty weaponlight a M952 w/ Malkoff M60 for reliability and longer runtime but there's just something about the way the 9v incandescent cuts through the darkness I just love!
Surefire use to make a universal barrel mount light holder that used special weaver mount rings for the light . Check opticsplanet they might still have some old stock.
Surefire use to make a universal barrel mount light holder that used special weaver mount rings for the light . Check opticsplanet they might still have some old stock.
Not for the M6 they didn't.

Perhaps you're thinking of the SureFire M13 Suppressor Mount? It uses a pair of hose clamps to secure to the suppressor of the MP5SD. SureFire soon developed the dedicated M23 direct mount to the suppressor tube of the MP5SD.

I can't see how the M13 can be used to mount an M6 to a rail.
You're right Size15's, I was thinking of that and I forgot how thick the M6 handle was. Do you know offhand the diameter of the handle?
Just to follow up, the operators I know, generally just use a G2L or 6PL, no tape switches, most think the cords get in the way, or don't trust them. Given that most bldgs have white or off-white walls, they find that simple P60L's are plenty bright, much more can blind the operator. Now perhaps, for LEO, there may be some ltd use for white light, but for the most part it makes you a target, especially if the target's position is unknown. You can't see 360 degrees with a flashlight, so it's use outdoors makes you a target. Outdoors is the domain of NVG. Now if you are living in a rural area, and your concerns are 4 legged, then by all means use whatever light you deem necessary, they don't shoot back.