Muyshondt has really disappointed. I will never buy from him again. Am I wrong here?

I've been here in Taiwan a few weeks and was reminded of their non-existent return policy for most products. We have it good in the US where Costco and other vendors have a no questions asked policy for 90 or more days. I've heard of people abusing the policy by buying a video game console, playing it until the next gen comes out, returning the old gen for MSRP and swapping out for the new one with little to no additional expense.

Here in Taiwan, it's definitely buyer beware. I've bought an Asus laptop that ended up having a clearly faulty screen (multiple dead pixels) that were present right on start up. Soon after, the screen wouldn't even power on. I took it back to the store the next day asking for a swap or store credit, not even a refund. They declined and referred me to the manufacturer's authorized repair center across town. I brought the computer there and was told it wouldn't be repaired for 3-4 weeks. But I was already leaving before then, therefore unacceptable, especially on a brand new device. After much drama and negotiation, the factory finally authorized my return and therefore the store allowed me to use store credit to get a working computer.

But back to the OP's situation. It sounds like there's a huge amount of buyer's remorse in play here. The terms were written (however fine), and a repair option was given, at least that should be attempted before disputing with the credit card company.

Another option would be agreeing to place a deposit on a brand new new light and have it sent to the buyer, then refund the deposit once the defective light is returned. Even so, this would be extending beyond what the buyer agreed to when purchasing a copper light.
...stupid battery size(N) and I don't know why I bought a maus...CR2 is another stupid battery choice.
Your dislike of these odd battery sizes noted, there are other reasons that many of us have bought lights using them outside of 'stupidity'. The Maus still remains a very nice light and I'm just glad I haven't had any problems with mine. Size, format, beam pattern and tint are all excellent for me, which along with my two HDS Rotaries makes it the only other light I carry all the time.
Your dislike of these odd battery sizes noted, there are other reasons that many of us have bought lights using them outside of 'stupidity'. The Maus still remains a very nice light and I'm just glad I haven't had any problems with mine. Size, format, beam pattern and tint are all excellent for me, which along with my two HDS Rotaries makes it the only other light I carry all the time.
At least cr2's are unlikely to leak, being lithiums, but the maus uses only alkaleaks. If the "stupid" battery ruins your expensive light, you may have a different opinion.
At least cr2's are unlikely to leak, being lithiums, but the maus uses only alkaleaks. If the "stupid" battery ruins your expensive light, you may have a different opinion.
Despite your 'chicken little' mindset, I've had zero issues and I'm sure that you must also be in favor of never leaving the house, because it's dangerous out there.
As a business owner I have to say that not immediately replacing a faulty item out of the box, legal or otherwise, is just crappy customer service. Sometimes you eat things in the name of doing business, and this would be one of those times. If a replacement is not available, you offer a refund and go on.
As a business owner I have to say that not immediately replacing a faulty item out of the box, legal or otherwise, is just crappy customer service. Sometimes you eat things in the name of doing business, and this would be one of those times. If a replacement is not available, you offer a refund and go on.
They did offer him a replacement/repair of the item, he then declined that and said he wanted a refund on the item. An issue in this though is that at the point he noticed the problem he'd already used the flashlight for a while, their policies don't allow it for copper flashlights in general but with this he now wants to force the company to do what he wants, despite having entered a contract upon buying the flashlight.
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They did offer him a replacement/repair of the item, he then declined that and said he wanted a refund on the item. An issue in this though is that at the point he noticed the problem he'd already used the flashlight for a while, their policies don't allow it for copper flashlights in general but with this he now wants to force the company to do what he wants, despite having entered a contract upon buying the flashlight.

I missed that one.... although I call myself reading the whole thread.

As the younger folks say "that's sus".
I missed that one.... although I call myself reading the whole thread.

As the younger folks say "that's sus".
That's why it's so weird with this entire thing, if you read through page 1 you can see me asking him if he's got pictures of the flashlight too, the areas which could affect all this, but OP has only posted twice in this entire thread and neither time really answered any questions properly, only given more confusing points to ponder.
I´m a business owner and customer too. I don´t see an issue with Muyshondt here. His offer to repair the light is perfectly ok. The OPs fear the repaired light would suffer the same defect is rather irrational. Also it is not clear to us the light is indeed defective. As LRJ88 already mentioned, the OP doesn´t seem to be interested in help that might resolve the problem with light without sending it in for repair.

I´m a business owner and customer too. I don´t see an issue with Muyshondt here. His offer to repair the light is perfectly ok. The OPs fear the repaired light would suffer the same defect is rather irrational....
I have to disagree. Give you a perfect example why. One of the most successful car reviewers on YouTube made a video awhile back regarding I believe it was a 2018 model KIA Rio. Talked about how surprised he was at how good it is.

Even went on to share that back in the 1990s, he was a dead broke 20-something; barely scraping by. Just him and his fiance. He had a first gen. Ford Taurus which he bought used. Back then, knew nothing about cars. The tranny gave out three times. 2nd time it did, he put himself into massive credit card debt getting it fixed. 3rd time it did, he got rid of the car. One of the first cheap new cars he and his fiance drove was a 1990s KIA Rio. He talked about how utterly miserable he felt. He felt like a complete failure sitting behind its steering wheel because it was such a terrible penalty box. Ironically, even with its bargain basement price, he still couldn't afford it!

Okay, true; there are blatant differences between a car and a light. But I don't think it's completely irrational for someone to change their mind when something fails on them early on. Especially if they have a previous example of getting something fixed (especially multiple times) that continued to fail on them in the very same way.

~ Not going to mention the YouTube channel here, as I don't want to be accused of giving them free advertising on CPF. ~
Good heavens how this thread drags on. In the thread title, the author questions if he is right in his beliefs.

Muyshondt is trying to put food on the table selling expensive flashlights. It is Muyshondt's choice how the business is run. If you don't like Muyshondt's terms, don't buy anything there. Mistakes happen. We move on.
Copper products are likely exempt from returns because they tarnish & cannot be resold as new. Leather for the same reasons. It is possible to refinish both but it requires a complete disassembly & rebuilding of the light. Its very hard work and it wont be like new. I know because I learned to refinish watch cases & its hard and time consuming work if you wanna do it right. Batteries should be self explanatory. Not saying that makes it right just sharing my thoughts.
Yes and I agree with you. I wasn't going to
Return it because it's a piece of crap that I didn't like but it's defective so it's a completely different story. Sad to say he stopped responding to my emails. I
Hope anyone thinking about purchasing from him or his company reads this post first. I own a small business and would never treat my customers this way. If someone buys a $300 vacuum from me I would go out of my way to make sure they're satisfied
Good heavens how this thread drags on. In the thread title, the author questions if he is right in his beliefs.

Muyshondt is trying to put food on the table selling expensive flashlights. It is Muyshondt's choice how the business is run. If you don't like Muyshondt's terms, don't buy anything there. Mistakes happen. We move on.
I wouldn't. I only post so anyone thinking about purchasing from him would read it. I'm sure if it was your $325 you would feel differently
I think you are wrong. Didn't give the vendor a chance to solve the problem.

Since you brought it up, what's the name of your business?

Disputing the charge with your CC seems to be a way to circumvent the terms and conditions to which you agreed.
Yea I did. He stopped responding. No repair. No return. poop customer service. Do you need a vacuum ?
You're saying it was on the second battery? If you're able to, could you take pics of the inside of the head, and the body thread?


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I think you are wrong. Didn't give the vendor a chance to solve the problem.

Since you brought it up, what's the name of your business?

Disputing the charge with your CC seems to be a way to circumvent the terms and conditions to which you agreed.
It's defective. That's not circumvent the terms and conditions to which i agreed. That's asking to return something that doesn't work. Isn't that him circumvent the terms and conditions? Selling a product that doesn't do what it is supposed to do?