My Clicky is back!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 31, 2007
Golden Cage
I had one of the first Clicky with flickering issues, so I sent it back to Henry some time ago.

Well, today it came back! This is not really true, as I got a new light with the old bezel to keep my serial. :cool:

I played around with it the whole evening, it works flawlessly! In the beginning I became afraid, because I installed the old battery which I thought was still good, the light just flickered around, but my PD20 did the same with that cell. So, if you get a new cell with your light, use it! :rolleyes:

I got a new lens for free, I destroyed the coating of the original one.

To cut it short : I am a happy Clicky owner again! The light didn't loose its charm... :D

The only thing I need are two set screws to fill the holes for the clip.


I have to ship my Clicky too, but I don't want to do it. :(

Mine has several problems:

- flickering at low levels (I don't use them)
- weak locator flash (I don't use this function... but it could be useful)
- blinking issue after a long lasting runtime test (quite annoying)

For the last point there is still no solution. :ohgeez:
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