My CNC headlight


Newly Enlightened
Jan 19, 2009
Malvern, UK
Hi all,
I'm new on here and thought I'd share my first ,homemade, bike light with you all.
It's been a long process to get to where it is now with a few design alterations along the way...

It's a triple Cree Q5 using Ledil optics and driven by a bFlex.

Hope you like it...


PS: how do I post pictures???
PS: how do I post pictures???
Find an image host (I use - it's free) then upload your pictures there. Once you have your photos uploaded you can link to them here. Photobucket makes it easy as you can hover your cursor over the image and the IMG links show up below the image. You just drop your cursor down to it, click on it to highlight it, then copy it and past it into your post.
Dstar, welcome :twothumbs

ok to get the pics to show up click on this icon
when posting
then insert the pic URL
stunning gorgeous light by the way!
you have serious metalworking/artistic talent
......... stick around :party:
Pardon my manners.:welcome:

You got most of it right. You're looking for the IMG tags. It should look like:
[img ]path to the picture that you linked to[/img] without that space after the initial "img".

Nice light housing, BTW. I think you posted that on MTBR's forums, too, right? My buddy just bought a CNC mill and, if he'll let me do some work on it, I may be putting together a few lights of my own.
Dstar, awesome, please lets see more of this!! beamshots? batteries, please you just wet my appetite for more.
Yes most definitely beamshots! Looks very well made... That looks like it would be a good candidate for some offroad lights, for a dune buggy I'm trying to purchase. Very cool.

**EDIT** Guy ended up selling the engine/transmission. No go... <sigh>
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