My dream light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
I've thought about it a bit and decided what my current dreamlight would be. Or I guess the main light that I'd like to see:
-Uses 2xAA but could have a 1xAA body switched in like most fenix's
-Q5 led(or maybe one of these newer better tinted leds I dunno)
-fenix e20 head
-three modes: 35 lumens, 100 lumens, max
-be able to tailstand(unlike the silly E20)
-GITD tailcap(my rc-n3 has one and i love it)
-memory mode(would be great to see a fenix with a memory mode for a change)
-of course HAIII and high grade aluminum etc.

How does it sound?
I hate memory mode,
means You never be sure what level You start from,
means You have to go through all modes to get the desired one.
Fenix UI is perfect as is
dunno why those big heads are liked so much. Make pocketing much worse
... a small, short pocketable light should remain a small short pocketable light

... except from the machining part, most every DX parts fits the criteria ;)
they must have gone through a hundred of such lights by now

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