My first high-end-to-me flashlight.


Newly Enlightened
Aug 11, 2007
This is my first post, and i just found out that Flashlight makes a good hobby. Im one of the people that could only go as far as 20 bucks for a flashlight , anything that costs more is impossible.
After reading and trolling CPF, and realized a few things about flashlights.

Told some friends at work about a 70 dollars flashlight and guess what, they are like "WHOA" ..for a flashlight? None of them knew about the "Lumens" you guys out here talks about.

Amazed about the brightness difference makes, i started upgrading my Mag to LED, later on not satisfied about the result, and realized i could have bought a novatac or fenix instead of buying led upgrades and a few Mag-led.

Make long story short, i ended up to buying a Fenix P1D CE as my very first "high-end" flashlight. I'll take it from here, i haven't got it yet and cant wait to see the hype and show friends at work and see what they have to say.

I thought a flashlight is just a flashlight, but i was wrong, as the difference is bright and dark.
Welcome to CPF and enjoy your stay here!! It is educational and a lot of fun. I hope you like your P1D-CE as much as I like mine..:thumbsup:
Welcome to CPF. It seems you have been shown the light so to speak.

Reminds me of when I first fired up my SF E2l in complete darkness at my girlfriend's campground. She could no believe the amount of light emitted from such a small device.
Dealextreme might help if you want cheaper lights.

Welcome to CPF!

If you value your money, stay out of the Modding section. A single light there can cost $1000+.
A big ole' westcoast HOWDY to you Nickoby, and welcome to CPF,
Excellent first post, and what a great light to start off with... small, super bright, and versatile. I have a feeling it will blow your friends at work away when they see all that light coming out of that tiny little tube.

I hope you enjoy your time here on CPF.
Welcome to CPF!!
Ah yes, I remember the good old days when I couldn't believe I spent $50.00 on a light.:faint: Now after McGizmos and HDS's I have really come a long way.:grin2:
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Yeah, i cant wait for the Fenix. I read all about it, reviews, posts about it.
And yes, thats what i am looking for on a flashlight, small, versatile, something EDC. My Mags served me well but its getting old and needs some upgrades. I just bought the Terralux drop-in for my MM and 3cell.

The more i know, the more i spend.
And my better half cant believe im spending this much on a flashlight. :laughing:
Welcome Nicoby,

I can remember my first high end light, it was a 6P incan about 7 years ago and was blown away by how bright it was, and at only 60 lumens your Fenix would knock its socks off. The P1DCE is a great little light, good choice.

Welcome to CPF! I can definitely tell you're ready to roll into the deep end with the rest of us broke flashaholics.
welcome to CPF, good choice on your first light now you need some surefire's so you wallet can feel like the rest of ours.
Hello Nicoby. One of the fun things is the variety of lights and different price ranges. Also the looks you get when you turn your little torch on and your friends say Wow, I didn't think that much light could come from that little thing! So have fun and don't spend tooo much money!
Welcome to CPF!
If you play it right, your better half will tolerate it :D, if you play it wrong, you're in for serious trouble :devil:.

Hang on to your wallet and enjoy! CPF is full of odd, half broke, pleasantly disturbed, but helpful people.
