My first Surefire


May 21, 2008
I've been interested in flashlights for many years, but it was only a few months ago that I finally decided to do things properly.

At the time, Surefire was the only name I knew, but I assumed they would be too expensive. I looked around, was lucky enough to find CPF early on, and I started with Fenix.

So, after a few weeks I ended up with a small collection, L1D Q5, P2D Q5, TK10, 4sevens EX10, the usuals really, plus the semi-obligatory collection of Romisens.

By this point I knew that although Fenix are without a doubt great lights, the one to aim for was Surefire. However, I had also already decided that if and when I got a Surefire it would be a 6P and Malkoff. Based on purchase cost (or so I thought) and delivery options to me (Spain) I assumed that for the pair I wouldn't get much change from $200. The problem was that because I thought Surefire/Malkoff was too expensive, I just ended up buying more lower value lights. Each 2 or 3 Romisens sitting here that I don't really want/need could have been a Surefire.

Then my path crossed with Generic808.

Those of you who know him are now thinking "I know where this is going....."

End result? I now have a Surefire 6P incan, with a Malkoff M60 on the way. I also have (just arrived today) a nearly new G2L, a new G2L on the way, and another 6P incan on the way (from other sellers), with R2 dropins pre-ordered.

Those of you who know need no explanation, for those of you who don't, the Surefires really do just "feel" different. I said this to Generic when I replied to let him know the first parcel arrived. Put a TK10 and a 6P on a table, show them to someone who knows nothing about either, read them a description and the person would quite reasonably say that the 2 lights are more or less the same.

They're not though. I don't what it is, if it's just my imagination, or if I put Surefire on a pedestal because I couldn't get one until now, but somehow it just "feels" different. It might sound an odd thing to say, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Don't get me wrong, the TK10, the obvious comparison to a 6P/Malkoff, is a great light, tough, bright, solid as a rock, and a good price, but I could take it or leave it. The 6P just feels like it will be with me for a long time.

So, the moral of this (rather long, sorry) story? If you prefer other quality lights rather than Surefire, that's fine, there are some great ones available, but if you're avoiding Surefire based on cost, it's not worth it. Save the money from 2 or 3 cheaper lights if possible and get yourself a Surefire.

Special thanks to Generic808 for helping me with my first purchase, and also special thanks to Mdocod and the battery experts for being so helpful with battery questions. Mdocod more or less single handedly put me through rechargeable boot camp, and I now use LiFePO4 CR123A from AW, and Eneloops with a LaCrosse BC700 for my AA/AAA needs.
That was an amazing and well written story. I completely agree with the fact that Surefires DO indeed feel different and somehow make you feel happier about holding a flashlight in your hand.

Surefire are the Rolls Royce of the flashlight world :D
My first Surefire was a Z2 that I brought years ago
then I found this forum.
What gave me the "bug" was DaFabricata's Post Your Surefire collection thread
Having "studied" that thread numerous times, I ended up with this


All I need to do to it now is to get the emitter upgraded :D
Valid observation. ;)

A very long time ago, I bought a Taurus revolver for it's cost, although it really was well made.
Then I decided to buy a brand new Colt Python 4" just because.
Wow, what a difference.

While most of my lights are not Surefires, a good handful are, and I also feel that the venerable 6P is the first "must have" Surfire that anyone who want to buy their first one should consider.

I now have three 6P's, one with Malkoff M60 and the other two with M60L's.
To me, the 6P with a good drop-in such as the M60 is a "classic" that directly replaces the Maglite 3-Dcell light but does a better job in all respects.

Again, I am very sorry for infecting you. You are now doomed and will spend a good chunk of your monthly income on Surefire's, and this I can guarantee :devil: BTW, I good amount of my C's and M's will be posting up for sale soon! If interested, you know where to find me :whistle:

This thread is a perfect answer to those who always post things like, "Surefire's are overpriced" or "Surefire's aren't worth the money" or "there are other lights JUST AS GOOD as them for much less", etc. They never will know what we're talking about until they actually handle one for themselves.

P.S. If you like your new 6P that much, just wait til you play with the C's and M's :naughty:
The Malkoff M60 arrived today.

I won't go into a long commentary on it, there is plenty of info on them already.

I'll just say this....


This thread is a perfect answer to those who always post things like, "Surefire's are overpriced" or "Surefire's aren't worth the money" or "there are other lights JUST AS GOOD as them for much less", etc. They never will know what we're talking about until they actually handle one for themselves.

Really? I thought it told us the opposite, that you can't tell them apart. So they ARE overpriced?

Put a TK10 and a 6P on a table, show them to someone who knows nothing about either, read them a description and the person would quite reasonably say that the 2 lights are more or less the same.
Really? I thought it told us the opposite, that you can't tell them apart. So they ARE overpriced?

Indeed, you can't tell them apart (6P/TK10) when you just look at them on a table and read a brief description of each.

You most definately can tell them apart though when you hold the 6P, twist the threads, press the switch, and use the light.
Well the same could be said for my Bushnell as the threads are perfect, as is the build and switch. However the brighness / Runtime doesn't compare which is rather disappointing. I've looked at SFs but couldn't find one with a decent brightness and runtime combonation that didn't cost way too much for even me to justify.
I think the fact that the Surefire is your newest light might have something to do with it. Everytime I get a new flashlight no matter what brand it always gets my attention for awhile. The ones that really get that "something" are the ones that I have fixed or modified myself. I had a cheap Q5 drop in that went bad on me because of poor construction. I took it apart fixed some wiring and a few other things. Finally I soldered everything back together and properly glued the LED star to the rest of the module. Now that module is sitting in 6P a clone and it has become one of my EDCs. Its sort of the same feelig that I get when I look at my dog. I raised him since he was a lil pup and now he is big and strong.
By the way congratulations on your new flashlight. Maybe next time you should invite some flashaholic friends over and have a flashlight shower.
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I've looked at SFs but couldn't find one with a decent brightness and runtime combonation that didn't cost way too much for even me to justify.

Actually, brightness was something that also put me off Surefire. Why have something this bright for $100 when I can have something THIS bright for $50?

I ordered 2 G2Ls from Marketplace. I assumed they would need drop-ins so I ordered them too, R2 versions from marketplace. Just reading specs on paper it never occured to me that the G2L would actually be any good on its own.

Now, I'm not saying it's the brightest, but I do see that it's true what people say that Surefire lumens aren't the same as other lumens, and the beam is nice too. It's still a lower end LED in terms of output, especially for a 2xCR123A, but it's enough in terms of runtime and output that it holds its own as a worthy light, and I'm going to keep 1 of my G2L's with the stock LED, which I didn't expect to be doing, hence my purchase of 2 drop-ins.

Oh dear looks like I'll have to find a home for that second drop-in.....:naughty:

I'm going to have to turn you on to the C series for your drop-in's, and from there, it's on to the M's :devil:
I have five surefire flashlights and many cheap sears/ led flashlights that I thought were nice lights when I purchased them. The good news is that I love the surefires and the others have found homes in places that they are not needed to be as bright. The one odd thing is that the cheaper / less bright lights have a few places where they work better than a really bright light. I have some boats on a river and go out at night quite often. The less powerful lights don't crisp out my night vision like the surefire's do. I either need to put some driving lights on the boat, or maybe just use some wimpy lights getting the engine down and checking lines and water output from the outboards. It takes very little light to mess up night vision.

Not sure if anyone else has issues like this...
Really? I thought it told us the opposite, that you can't tell them apart. So they ARE overpriced?

I believe a TK10 is more expensive than an unmodded 6P, so kudos to Surefire for winning the table contest :)
Really? I thought it told us the opposite, that you can't tell them apart. So they ARE overpriced?

Sorry for taking the bait but....

Let's not start another Surefire vs. Fenix thread. :shakehead

This was one persons opinion of his/her first SureFire and you had to come in with something like this. :scowl:

Let the OP enjoy his/her first SureFire, I know I did the same the first time I had a Fenix P1 in my hand.
Niconical...congrats on getting hooked on Surefires. The G2 and 6P are like "Gateway Lights"...They get you in the door on the way to moving up to nicer Surefires later on. Flashaholism is a bit like drug addiction, except more expensive...haha...kidding. :)

The 6P is pretty cheap. You can get them in the Market Place for around $40. The potential for them is virtually limitless. You can add a strike bezel or clickie tailcap. You can change the drop-ins for either more power (R2, malkoff, bug out gear, etc.), or for longer runtime (P60L, M60LL, etc). It's quite versatile and built like a rock. I actually like the G2 a lot because I can toss it in my car or tool box and not worry about the way it looks. Scratches show up less on a G2 than they do on aluminum lights. Plus, a G2 can be found for like $20 - $25.

There are plenty of ways to get Surefires on a limited budget. You just have to be smart about it. Let's say you dinged up your bezel and you're looking for a new one. Bezels pop up for roughly $20 in the MP. But sometimes you can snag a whole light for $40. Sell off the body for $15 and the tailcap for $15, and now you've got a bezel that only cost you around $10 (give or take for shipping).

And if you don't want to go with the MP route, CPF has a few number of Surefire Dealers that support this forum and they have great deals and service, such as OpticsHQ or MattK (Batteryjunction). I've never dealt with MattK, but I hear good things regarding his store. OHQ is tops in my book. Support the dealers that support CPF! I never understood it when people would advertise for some dealers/stores that don't give a penny or spend 30 seconds on CPF. :)

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