My impression of the Huntlight FT-03XJA2 (AA Seoul)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 28, 2006
Yesterday I received this Seoul AA light from JSBurly's, with an Alkaline was installed for instant usability.

It's a tail-click on and off, no-nonsense usability that anyone can appreciate. The tailclicky works very smooth.

My first impression was that the colors of the body were not well matched, and a little splotchy on the head. I'm not going to dwell on this, it's to be expected when different components are anodized in separate plating baths. Something for the manufacturer to work on in my opinion.

Beyond that, I found nothing at all negative about the flashlight. I like it's curvy shape, and how the different parts blend together to a common theme. The center portion of the flashlight has a reduced diameter, which I really like for it's weight savings and feel in the hand.

It's output is bright, white, and smooth. the build quality is excellent. The components appear well made and fit together smoothly. The lens is glass, and the reflector is smooth, and the emitter is perfectly centered.

My opinion is that this is an excellent flashlight to consider when compared to the competition. If you don't like knurling on your flashlight, this may be the one you prefer.

Now comes the pictures, along with comparisons to a couple other flashlights (the beamshots follow each pair, and the batteries used were Energizer e^2 Lithium for all). The Jetbeam was on "High". I was wearing a red shirt LOL.












Thanks for a nice review!
I like the design a lot. I prefer two levels of output for this kind of light since I dont have that many light and try to cover as many needs as possible with few. But I know there are plenty of people who would prefer a simple single stage light like this (with no bloody UI...), so it wouldnt surprise me if this sells well.
I'm guessing the clickie is not true momentary? Cause that would hit the jackpot for a lot of people. :)
If you mean true momentary is where you push the button partway and it lights, no :( But if the light is on, you can turn it off momentary (pretty typical).
I suspected that. Don't know why, but all the asian lights have reverse clicky, except for Liteflux LF1 and some Lumapower, that I know of.
I agree that they missed a huge target (as have many others) by retaining the generic, typical, cheap-o, dreaded, bloody reverse clickie. If it weren't for that I'd look into buying one. Too bad I was raised on mags, surefires and inovas.

Oh yea, how rude of me to rant only... sorry. I just seem to see red and charge in at reverse clickies more and more every week, hence the sigline.
Thanks for the nice review. You're always giving such great info, and reciently DX mods as well! I appreciate it.
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Thanks for the review.

lighthound has these for 34.95 plus shipping right now. would you go with one of these(for non-flashaholic family member) or buy a fenix L1p for $25 and put a seoul in it?
I'm leaning towards the huntlight(no mod work, warranty intact, and HAIII) but looking for your input.
The L1P is hard to get apart sometimes, you might have spent $25 and not be able to mod it. For this and the reasons you stated, the Huntlight would probably be a better choice.

EDIT: This item is currently out of stock :awman:
Why not buy from JSBurly's and get free shipping? You'll have to get your overall order up to $90 for free shipping, but get a couple FT-01's and upgrade them to Seoul, then sell them here. The FT-01 with Seoul is the best quality overall bright beam I've ever gotten from a Seoul upgrade.
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these are unpotted L1Ps.
but not a bad idea about JSburlys.
The picture of the box says R bin Luxeon. Is it just that they haven't updated their packaging?
Yes, the packaging is out of date. They will probably keep using old packaging for a while.

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