My LumaPower MRV arrived today .. dumb question


Newly Enlightened
Mar 25, 2005
near Los Angeles, CA
My LumaPower MRV from DX arrived today.

I'm impressed. Very nice light.

But I do have a question.

How do I remove the tactical switch from the tailcap so i can replace it with the clickey switch?

The clickey has holes and grooves that can be used to turn it in and out, but the tactical is smooth except for a small hole in the center behind the spring.
I posted a "How To Change Clicky" on the DX site, but they deleted it. First, find the small baggie with the clicky and GITD silicone cover in it. Remove them and set the baggy aside. Second, firmly rap the tailcap firmly against the palm of your hand, and the the momentary switch will fall out. Third, use an appropriate instrument to unthread the plastic retaining ring in the tail cap. Fourth, push out the black silicone cap and wipe the inside of the tail cap with a microfiber cloth. (Put the momentary, plastic retaining ring and black silicone cap in the baggie.) Fourth, insert the GITD silicone cap, and thread the clicky into the tail cap. Use an appropriate instrument to tighten the switch. Use a microfiber cloth to clean the threads on the tube and apply some Nyogel, and you're done. BTW, it is my understanding that all MRV lights, not just those from DX, don't come with instructions.
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