My new, damaged LumaPower MRV Q5...


Newly Enlightened
Jun 17, 2008
Simi Valley, CA.
Earlier in the week I ordered an MRV Q5 (with the bonus OP reflector) from BatteryJunction. It was waiting for me when I got home from work today. I eagerly opened it up and tossed in an AW 18650. "Ohhhhh, pwetty" I thought to myself as I gazed at the beam on the wall. Then I saw it....."Wait a minute, what the hell is that dark spot?"

The lens has a nasty little gouge in it. See pic below, gouge is at 3 o'clock:


Here's a beam shot against a wall where you can see the dark spot at 12 o'clock:


There are also a few small nicks on the head of the light. I'm wondering if this light is actually an 'open box'. There was no documentation in the box except for the warranty card (I don't know if LumanPower provides any documentation, this is my first one), and the box was not sealed in any fashion.

I will call BatteryJunction on Monday. What I hope for is either, 1) replace the entire light with no shipping charges against me or, 2) send me a new non-defective lens (I prefer option 1). Hopefully a post in the Jeers forum won't be in order over this.

Not a major flashaholic catastrophe, but I just wanted to vent/rant a wee bit because it's still a bummer (to me at least).
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If it can't be cleaned off, just tell Batteryjunction about it. They'll take care of you.
Is it an actual gouge in the glass?
You certainly don't have any cause for a jeer until you have contacted
the supplier (BatteryJunction) in order to give them a chance to make

It may well be that this was caused by the postal delivery system in
any case, not BatteryJunction.

I've only heard good things about BatteryJunction in any case, so I think
that you just need to have a little patience while things are being sorted

I can understand your frustration though. I am sure, I'd feel the same way.
You certainly don't have any cause for a jeer until you have contacted
the supplier (BatteryJunction) in order to give them a chance to make

Oh, I fully agree. And if it seemed like I was already bashing BatteryJunction, that's not the case. I like their service so far....ordering was easy, product shipped quickly, got the CPF discount, it just sucked to have the light arrive with the scuffed up lens.

And even though I'd like to have a scratch-free stock lens, after sleeping on it I'm debating on taking nanotech17's advice and just buying a UCL lens (if they make one for an MRV) for $5-6 and be done with it.
And if BatterJunction does better than you expect, give them a cheer. Fair is fair. Treat me wrong, get a jeer, treat me right, get a cheer.

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