My New Strider Grail


Aug 23, 2004
sanfran by way of boston
Hello Fellow Flashlight folks!!
I've been pretty busy lately so i haven't been on the forums much but my attempt at not spending copious amounts of money went to hell earlier this week. I had a minute to sneak out of work and swing by to see my buds over at TAD and before i did so i checked the web page and it resulted in the luckiest day ever!!!

check out my newest score and more than likely my GRAIL KNIFE!!!

Its a Carbon Fiber Concealed Carry XL Folder that's Sterile to boot YEAAAA!!!
not the best pics ever but they'll do


and the updated family shot


Ok back to work for me but i'm soooo satisfied for at least a minute or two :)


That thing looks amazing.

One day I hope to be able to get something like that.

Congrats. :thumbsup:
Very nice, seen that one for sale but just bought this one myself....

That is the cooolest Strider that I have ever seen!!
designed for pure bad A$$ness :)!
other than that, Utility, cutting, zombies, and just plain droool factor. The knives in this thread are customs but the strider normal versions have much more utilitarian designs in most cases with one didget less in the price....
simply not enough drool though :)
it sure is/was sweet ....... its currently morphed into a HK.45 match tuned piece and a One off Warren Thomas nightmare ground all Ti/G-10 Bali and a with another part of that trade a Warren Thomas Ti/G-10 One off hybrid/nightmare HAK..... Cool stuff in this multi trade but wait there's more..... a STARLINGEAR Skull to boot. Pics to follow
I'm gonna miss it but out of all my Dwyer RC is way badd asssss as well!!!