I bet your Ultrafire C3 P7 is making 300 to 400 lumens out the front. That is pretty impressive.
Without adequate heatsinking the ultrafire LED is just wearing down and giving you half if not less of the 700 lumen potential.
EX: My Malkofff P60 MC-E on direct Drive did 4.56amps draw at the tail.
Gene was expecting 1000 plus lumens for sure, but MrGman tested it and it did around 400 out the front on warm. Based on ceiling bounce test MrGman said it would be 700 out the front for sure, but no.
Now, If you want to get 700 Lumens out the front from a P7 or MC-E on direct drive you have to go with a bigger host that can accomodate an enourmous heatsink. I want the Leggion II, but for now my Maglight P7 with huge heatsink built by Nailbender looks at least twice as bright as my P60 P7 and P60 MC-E drop-ins. Nailbender turned the stock relector into a LOP and it throws like an R2 smooth reflector, but with the flood of a P7.
So, the amp draw can be 3amps or 4amps out of the P7 direct drive, but that doesn't mean you are getting more lumens; unless you provide a 1lb heat sink then maybe.