My Quick LRI ReX Review


Mar 29, 2002
Gloucester, New Jersey
This review my be somewhat premature, since I've only had these (2) units for about an hour. These (2) came directly from the Photon Light web-site. I have (2) more ordered, waiting to be delivered, from another Dealer. In short, I feel disappointed and underwhelmed by the ReX, which is a shame since I had such high-hopes for this light. I was thinking this would easily become one of my EDC lights, ideal for survival situations.

Where do I start? Well, the size is larger than the other LRI pocket lights such as the Freedom, but that really doesn't surprise me. It has 4xNichia vs. 1xNichia of the Freedom, so of course it's going to be larger. It's also no longer using a coin-sized cell, so that adds to the size. Charging this light is way more frustrating than it needs to be. The instructions say not to push, press or force the charging cradle into place, that the magnets should take care of everything. Sure, the magnets connect easily, but it won't start charging until you monkey around with it. Once you do get it charging, you have to monitor it, because it decides to stop blinking on its own, without being fully charged. What's up with this cheap-a** feeling plastic casing? I have visions of the overhang-ends breaking if dropped or stepped-on, crushing the LEDS beneath. The GITD push-button should have just been made black to match the case. The material feels good, but the act of lighting the light by itself does not charge the button, although the GITD around the emitters glow after firing. I don't care for the beam pattern produced, but that's probably just a personal preference and not anything wrong with the light. What I do have a problem with is the quality of LEDS used. I think Nichia must have gotten over on LRI, by sending them all the ****-yellow LEDS that Arc didn't want. These are, by far, the yellowest tinted Nichias I've ever seen. For those of you that have used any generation of the Photon or Freedom, you know the beams are typically yellowish. The ReX makes them actually look pretty damn good.

Run-time is the biggest disappointment with the ReX. I can now see why LRI put all the emphasis on the "1st rechargeable micro light". Yea, that's because if you want to actually ever use this light, you better be prepared to charge, and recharge, and recharge, and charge again and recharge, etc. I think you get my point. At the 30-minute mark on high, the ReX is about as useless as the hunk of plastic in your hand.

I really don't know what else to say about the ReX. If you want a novelty light that you can show your friends and want the "1st rechargeable micro light" available, then I guess the ReX is for you. I'll continue to tinker with my ReX lights and post updates as I see fit, however it's going to take a major revelation of me missing something that's going to change my mind at this point. I'm sorry to say, for me, the LRI ReX may be the "Most Disappointing Light of the Year" for 2007.

Edit #1: It seems that recharging a ReX is a crap-shoot each time. I've had no consistancy in attempting to charge either of my (2) units. The 1st charge seemed to work fine, however all subsequent changing attempts have failed. More times than not, the LEDS will not producing the flashing sequence to indicate a charge is occurring. In another case, the light flashed like it was supposed to, stopped after an hour, only to find the light then produced less light than when I put it on the charger.

Edit #2: Using (2) new Duracell "D" cells, I was able to get the charging cradles on each light setup to the point where both lights were blinking, indicating a charge was taking place. I went to bed, got up this morning and both lights are still blinking. I fired them up and they are both dimmer now that before I started the charge last night. WTF?

Edit #3: Using my battery tester, if I measure the voltage via the charging **** of the ReX, it's showing .04 volts on the 1st unit and .05 volts on the 2nd one. If I do the same on the (2) new units I just recieved from Battery Junction, they're showing 3.25 volts on both units. If I use the meter to measure at the charger cradle while attached to a Duracell "D" cell, it shows 1.51 volts which is expected from a new "D" size cell. This brings me to a couple questions. First, should the ReX battery ever show a reading that low, keeping in mind the lights are firing, although dim. Secondly, how is it expected that a light with voltage higher than the charging cell will actually charge? Is the sofware or electronics of the ReX boosting the power somehow?

Edit #4: ... and probably the final update for the ReX. All (4) units <two to Photon Light and two to Battery Junction> will be going back for a refund. Like I said, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I'm not a moron either. These lights are not ready for prime-time, based on the (4) units I received. The charging configuration will simply not work constantantly and/or reliably. It's a shame too, because I really had high hopes for the ReX. I'll wait for the Rev2 or Rev3 release of the product.

Edit #5: All (4) units have been returned to their Dealer of puchase. I really hope they can find out what the problem is, because I want the ReX to be a successful light offering from LRI. If I don't hear anything back from either Dealer, I'll attempt a single order in a month or so, hopefully with new stock.
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I am very disappointed in hearing this; as I ordered two sight unseen from (literally) everybody's rave reviews of these lights previously. What gets my goat the most is your description of the light quality itself...are these not the latest and greatest LEDs (for their size and category) out there right now or are we looking at something even sub-standard in the category itself?

"...I think Nichia must have gotten over on LRI, by sending them all the ****-yellow LEDS that Arc didn't want. These are, by far, the yellowest tinted Nichias I've ever seen..."

Again, I'm not going to question the build quality or any other aspect of what I should expect to deal with the first time out on any product...but to go right after the light quality in such a bare bones EDC...:confused:
Again, keep in mind, these are my opinions and based on the (2) units that I have in my possession. It wouldn't be the 1st time that I was the only one with a negative impression of something that everyone else loved.
Understood...yet what is the feeling here...that nobody seemingly has any issue as to whether a Nichia is of decent quality or not...or that few can indeed determine the difference?
I have no idea what in the heck constitutes the latest and the greatest in these tiny LEDs; just that from all the hype that I've witnessed on here regarding these LRI's?...I was (and still am) expecting just that (finally) from an American company.

This will be my only purchase (in quite some time) from any manufacturer even remotely connected to my homeland...and (frankly) I'd like to brag these guys up a little if the CPF membership is in agreement that these LEDs are the best thing going right now and indeed (possibly) this-is-nascar simply got in on a bad batch (which he has graciously admitted is possible).
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could you snap a pic next to a old Photon and an ARC AAA.

I imagine a AAA eneloop in an Arc has it beat in the rechargeable department.
I doubt that I'll be doing any pictures, but if I do, I will. The only reason I mention Arc is that, to my knowledge, they're the only other ones (at least with the lights that I own) who have released a product with the new Nichia DS LEDS. My worse looking Arc-AAA DS looks much better than the best of these (2) ReX lights in tint. Please don't turn this into a ReX vs. Arc thread. That was not my intent and the only thing these lights have in comparision is the fact they both use the Nichia DS LED.

I stand corrected, before hitting the submit button. The newest LRI Freedoms use the DS LED and the tint on those lights (although still worse than the tint of the Arc-DS) is still much better than what I have in these ReX lights.
Please don't turn this into a ReX vs. Arc thread. That was not my intent and the only thing these lights have in comparision is the fact they both use the Nichia DS LED.

Actually I was just trying to get an idea of the size of the ReX. Almost everybody is familiar withe the size of the Arc and Photon Freedom, and you mentioned having both.
Post #1 has been updated with more charging relating issues. Is it just me having issues with the ReX? I know I'm not too high on the intelligence chain, but for Pete's sake, I'm not a moron either.
When I first got my two ReX's I connected a CR123 cell and it blinked for several hours which should have stopped IMO. I disconnected the cell and connected a AA Eneloop and it blinked for a few minutes then stopped. I have only since used AA to recharge and have not done many cycles.

I only charged 1 light maybe 4 times and it has worked. But the first incidence causes me to watch the light closely - plus I think I read somewhere that the initial delay of the ReX shipment was due to charging issues. Maybe you have bad units? I do know that you have to make sure the contacts are firmly pressed to get charging to start (which you have done). I will post updates if I notice any charging issues.

BTW - I agree that I think the ReX could have been built more solid (especiallly the button - could have been solid rubber). I like the light nontheless. I have very good tint with my units and am pleased. As to runtime, I did not expect the light to run long at the high output it is capable of. I just throttle the output back to a level more reasonable for a small light like the ReX and it performs admirable within its capabilities. It works with what it has (battery/circuit/LED's) very nicely IMO. But long term reliability is questionable.
Thanks for another real life review, Ray. This sounds like the first Proton's, a light in need of improvement and refinement. As this type of light is generally a back up key chain light for me (Miller Mod Arc being the primary), I'll think I'll pass on this and if get anything, maybe a DS Freedom.
I just received my other (2) units from Battery Junction. After I finish putting together my Granddaughter's XMAS gifts, I'll give these (2) a whirl and see if they're any different/better/more reliable.
Another update has been posted, along with a couple questions.

the electronics must BOOST the input voltage when it is low in order to charge it up to the +3.25VDC mearsurement that you're seeing. the specs say that the ReX can be charged by a source of up to +6VDC.

i've charged my new ReX 4x now. first three went as advertised. the fourth time was problematic. the fourth time i tried three diff cells over an ~15hr time period (two 6h charging stints on two diff cells, plus one 3h stint on the first cell). the flashing never stopped. the ReX did seem to take a full charge though and i've now run nearly through this last charge - it's o.p. (output) is gettin' dim.

i think the ReX is a clever little light, but i'm not going to be using it much anymore. Why?

1. it's significantly larger than a Photon Freedom Microlight

2. the Freedom Microlight suffices just fine (especially now with the new DS LED) in the light output department for those tasks that i would normally use a microlight for.

3. the burntime on the Freedom Microlight appears to be better than the ReX.

4. for really bright o.p. levels w/longer burn times, other small lights powered by 1xAA or 1xAAA are really better choices, IMO, e.g. Proton/ProtonPro or Fenix L0D-Q5. No way the ReX can match the stored energy of a single AAA or especially a single AA cell - rechargeable or alkaline.

i'm thinking of purchasing another ReX for the purposes of investigating whether i can run it off of 1xCR2032 or 2xCR2032 (either series or parallel - whatever the electronics allow) primary Li coin cells as its power source. i don't think a 2x2xCR2032 series-parallel arrangement will physically fit in the ReX even if the electronics allow for a nominal 6V power source.

my two shekels.
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I posted a question early before the ReX was out asking if there was any low voltage protection built into the ReX since discharging a lithium ion cell too low will damage the cell.

Some ion cells have a protection built into the cell (but the very small cells cannot due to size limitation). That is why the AAA lithium ion cells you can find are not protected. If the ReX does not have low voltage protection - the cell can be damaged. If the ReX does have the protection, I wonder if there is a problem with the charging mechanism from being able to reset the cutoff if the cell was discharged too low.

In reference to charging lithium ion cells, I have read that some inexpensive chargers cannot reset a protected cells circuit once a low voltage trip occured.

There are a lot of things to consider for using lithium ion cells and I am curious to know how/if the ReX is doing it. The charging from either 1.5 to 6 volts is a very interesting to say the least. I dont recall seeing the recommended cells that are allowed in the packaging - I think it was only stated somewhere on the website. My enclosed card only talks about D and AA cells but no mention of anything else.

These are just my thoughts and ramblings of trying to guess what might be causing the problem. I have not discharged my cell down low enough due to fear of causing damage to the cell.
The charging from either 1.5 to 6 volts is a very interesting to say the least. I dont recall seeing the recommended cells that are allowed in the packaging - I think it was only stated somewhere on the website. My enclosed card only talks about D and AA cells but no mention of anything else.

From the PhotonLights ReX Webpage:

"Inexpensive to operate:
No more disposable coin-cell batteries! The ReX will charge from any standard battery of 6 volts or less. Your average cost is 6 cents per charge when using an alkaline "D" cell battery. When charged from a AA rechargeable NiMH your cost is only 1/3 of a cent per charge without any trail of discarded batteries!"

so, even a 6v lantern battery can be used. with a simple voltage divider, an automobile's 12v outlet would work too.


some bold soul tried charging at +4.8VDC and Posted results in another THREAD. he claims it fried the charging boost coil in his ReX!!!
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My final ReX update has been added to Post #1.

Edit #4: ... and probably the final update for the ReX. All (4) units <two to Photon Light and two to Battery Junction> will be going back for a refund. Like I said, I'm not a rocket scientist, but I'm not a moron either. These lights are not ready for prime-time, based on the (4) units I received. The charging configuration will simply not work constantantly and/or reliably. It's a shame too, because I really had high hopes for the ReX. I'll wait for the Rev2 or Rev3 release of the product.
Thanks for your time and efforts on this review TIN. I have a Surefire L1 Cree and a Photon Pro because of your reviews and am pleased with both. :D
I will pass on this one and order a Freedom or two instead. Much appreciated. :thumbsup: