Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
I have tested a few H.I.D. I kept the PL24 and Boxer.

In NORMAL daily use..I can not see ANY use for more light then these make.Un-diffused both light up 100's of yards away no problem.Diffused they light a football field and then some.

Both are decently small, Hell the boxer is soda can size or near that.
Unless you do serious rescue or park ranger work.....even 1300 lumens is way way way overkill.

My 2 cents
Actually I have used 5000+ lumen lights..maybee 10 000+..heck 1 on a bradley I was on had a warning sticker like :

Do not look into the beam less then 1500' or damage will occur.
Several insurgents did get a blast at 100 or so..and DID NOT like it.

I was just saying that often H.I.D. can light up stuff at a range greater then the eyes can focus on.
I have tested a few H.I.D. I kept the PL24 and Boxer.

In NORMAL daily use..I can not see ANY use for more light then these make.Un-diffused both light up 100's of yards away no problem.Diffused they light a football field and then some.

Both are decently small, Hell the boxer is soda can size or near that.
Unless you do serious rescue or park ranger work.....even 1300 lumens is way way way overkill.

My 2 cents

Different people have different needs.
When I started in CPf I spent most of my time in the LED forum.
I must say I could get by with low levels of light, but I live in a VERY dark area and find that HID's like the N30 are not only easy to carry around, but all of that extra light makes everything easier to see. The spill itself lights up my front yard nicely. I have also found that there are times I am walking at night that cars don't seem to care if people are walking with flashlights. Now when that person bathes the entire road around him or herself in light it is AMAZING how careful these drivers become.
When I was testing a N30 prototype a local Cable serviceman drove up to me and asked what I had. He wanted one. He said, "This area is so dark in fall and winter that I am always have trouble finding homes and doing the work I need to do. That light would make my life a lot easier."

Last winter I used my different HID lights to light up portions of my yard nice and bright as I put up different Christmas decorations. It sure beat running chords for floodlights.

I also make sure that any family members traveling in the mountains behind where we live have at least one charged N30 in the car, accidents happen. I was an EMT when I was younger and really believe that in emergency situations, you can't have too much light. This is why I carry my Polarion X1 in my mtb backpack when I am doing long solo rides.
You don't have to be a Ranger to be a good samaritan.

When my family wants to play games like Croquet in fall, it is 3 of my HID lights that turn my lawn into a nicely lit croquet field.

I also find the extra brightness of the more powerful HID's make great job site lighting devices. I was working on doing a custom finish on some garage doors this last spring and part of them had to be glazed when the doors were up. This glaze coat was critical for making the otherwise plain, blotchy, Douglas fir doors look like Alder. There were no plugs in the new garage so a Costco HID and an Amonotech Illuminator did a great job of lighting up the doors from ceiling bounce in this dark garage well enough for me to do the job properly when I was on a ladder and they were only about two feet from the ceiling. This was a 3 million dollar home and saying the garage was too dark to do a good job since there was not sufficient electricity just would not have cut the mustard. Last year I was doing a woodworking project for some friends in my yard and had the HID's out again. This time they were lighting up the underside of a Pop up sun shade and made the area I was working in look like a regular workshop.

I have a friend that uses his X1 with a diffusion filter for filming video.
One CPF member uses an Amondotech Illuminator and an N30 for doing videos of caves.
Numerous people have reported using Costco HID's shining against campers or trailer for very effective area lighting when in the middle of nowhere camping.
Once CPF member reported loaning an Amondotech Illuminator to a Baja 500 suport crew vehicle when their lights went out. They used it as a head light till they could get to the next camp.

Quite simply putting it.

The Longer I have these 30 and 35 watt HID lights the more practical day to day uses I have for them. Uses that make me never want to be without at least an N30 available to me whenever I am out and about.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
Actually I have used 5000+ lumen lights..maybee 10 000+..heck 1 on a bradley I was on had a warning sticker like :

Do not look into the beam less then 1500' or damage will occur.
Several insurgents did get a blast at 100 or so..and DID NOT like it.

I figured you may have used brighter lights then 1300L, that's why I worded it the way I did.

I was just saying that often H.I.D. can light up stuff at a range greater then the eyes can focus on.

However, I have to disagree with you. I would much rather use my CC (50W HID, 5500L) then a 3000L light. Not because I can see farther, but because I can see better. It almost seems like objects are closer with a brighter light.
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Need? More than you need? Please people don't start using that word here. :( I'd have to get rid of 90% of my lights if I reduced my collection down to what I need.

Having said that, I don't agree with the overkill comment. I don't know exactly what my Power on Board HID puts out, but I certainly wouldn't call it over kill. Past 100 metres I think it's about right. Lighting things up isn't enough, sometimes you need to light them up well. You're also forgetting that no everyones eyesight is the same and some objects reflect light better than others.
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Here's one thing I've noticed with alot of light: I use a Boxer 24W. With that light throwing as much light as it does, I don't have to pause as long to identify what I'm looking at. With less light, it take me longer to process what I'm looking at.
As soooo many sayings go, I'd rather have too much light and not need it, than to need it and not have enough.
Using a larger light you can use it less, that saves time and battery life, in the long run it's easier to flood the entire area than to point and peak.

Just my 20,000 lumens.
I use my single 18650 diffused lights 99.99999999999999999999999999% of the time.Nice "wall of light" for 200x200 or so.

Usually thats overkill.

I guess you can use Bunker Busters to kill a single target ( person)...99% of the time a .22 would do the trick.

To date, I have never needed more then a 200ish lumen light when I had one.100% of the time, 200ish has been overkill for me.

Im wondering if CPFers in general are 1/2 blind OR have 75 100W bulbs inside the house in 20x20 rooms.Heck my own sister DOES have about 2x as many lights inside as me..and she turns all of them on.

I guess I use light only as needed.Others go for overkill.

As I stated "Normal daily use"
Dont need 1300+ lumens to : walk the dog,scan the yard,change a tire,spot a perp,find so and so under a table that my woman dropped or to check for ...earwax.In "normal" tasks 200 or less is good enough for me.
Then again....I dont use a flamethrower to light the BBQ grill...and in these parts cars sure see a 200ish lumen light..and react.I use a 200ish on my bike and have had not 1 issue with a car in thousands of miles.

This post was not a flame or picking on any 1 person.Personally I only keep a few lights.I use them for actual low light issues.They are not in a trophy case nor am I scared to carry any light I own OR god forbid scratch/dent one.Hell used my 4dd mag as a hammer many times.
Maybee I think of it as wastefull....shrug.

I am not anti-HID by any means.The 1% or less they have a legit useage ,im glad I have them.

I.M.O. 90% of cpf have HID and other similar very high lumen lights for 3 reasons.

#1 to show off.."pissing contest" like having the fastest car
#2 its a cool gadget to play with..if you can afford it..hell why not
#3 they are a flashlight nutjob

My 2 cents:thumbsup:

**I diffuse almost all my lights..I never "point and peek"..hence various flood VS throw rants and my diffuser material
In NORMAL daily use..I can not see ANY use for more light then these make.Un-diffused both light up 100's of yards away no problem.Diffused they light a football field and then some.

Fastcar, nothing wrong with your line above. You are simply stating that YOU don't see any need. That is perfectly fine.

Unless you do serious rescue or park ranger work.....even 1300 lumens is way way way overkill.

Above is where I take issue. Here, you are claiming to know what others need. How do you know what others need?

I think others are best suited to know what their needs are.

Lux, the above is my dollars worth. Inflation, you know!
Q: "Above is where I take issue. Here, you are claiming to know what others need. How do you know what others need?"

A:Well I started this thread, and its my thoughts.
I guess you can have any "issues" you want.
Feel free to start you own thread about how you need 1300+ lumens for daily "normal"tasks.Perhaps others agree.

This is why we have a cpf forum.Different ideas and thoughts from all types of sheeple.

In my life 99.99999999999999999% of the time 200L or less is overkill.
Spoke to 100s of great cpfers on the phone..seems like all agree
No one I know owns,uses or needs a HID.

If I could have ONE light..a small 200ish lumen or a huge HID for "normal" taking the 200, but thats me.To each his they say.

"search/rescue/park ranger" may be the 1% that "daily"might need 1300+...IMO

again all MY thoughts.

My 2 cents
Now I don't understand your post at all. You say 99.00 etc % of the time, HID is overkill. To me this implies that people here use them for changing lightbulbs or walking the dog.

You say it's not a flame but to me that implies CBF'ers are stupid. I suspect they own lesser lights for lesser tasks.

BTW, I own, need and use a HID... but then you don't know me. And no I don't use it to find loose change as you imply we do, I use an LED for that.

Oh and I drive an SUV, and that's more wasteful than owning a HID.

Here's my 10c, my 2c is free.
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Bottom line, it just boils down to what you like. I live in a big city and with all the ambiant light I have no "real" need for a HID light. Yes, my old Surfire 9N (140 lumen) with a turbo head is all I need. Then, about 2 weeks ago I bought a Sam's HID. I still use the 9N around the house but the HID has opened up a whole new hobby for me. It is just plain old fun to fire that baby up in a dark place. Not showing off, all by myself. It amazes me how far the light is thrown and it is fun to literally scare racoons and squirels out of trees at night a hunred or so yards off. The newness may wear off and I may never use it agin....but so far, it's been a lot of fun. But hey, if you do not want one, don't buy one. :shrug:
Feel free to start you own thread about how you need 1300+ lumens for daily "normal"tasks.Perhaps others agree.
I don't think anyone said they need a 1300+ L light for "normal" daily tasks. However there are times when bigger is better, even though you haven't found them yet.

In my life 99.99999999999999999% of the time 200L or less is overkill.
Spoke to 100s of great cpfers on the phone..seems like all agree
No one I know owns,uses or needs a HID.
Again, just because you and your 100 CPF'ers only need a <200L light most of the time doesn't mean some people don't have a use for bigger lights.

If I could have ONE light..a small 200ish lumen or a huge HID for "normal" taking the 200, but thats me.
I agree. I'd pick my 120P. And I bet most people with big HID's would agree also. But just because a light isn't needed as often, doesn't mean it's not needed.

"search/rescue/park ranger" may be the 1% that "daily"might need 1300+...IMO

How about people who boat, fish, hunt, camp, ranch, farm, offroad or are on more then a few acers of land for whatever reason.
Q: "Above is where I take issue. Here, you are claiming to know what others need. How do you know what others need?"

In my life 99.99999999999999999% of the time 200L or less is overkill.
Spoke to 100s of great cpfers on the phone..seems like all agree
No one I know owns,uses or needs a HID.

again all MY thoughts.

My 2 cents

You have not even been a CPF member for a year and you have spoken to 100's of cpfers on the phone about this :thinking: .
How many "hundreds" 200, 300, 500, 900, ?
I am curious why not needing an HID is is such an important issue to talk to "hundreds" of cpfer's about.

I think you belong on a phone forum. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave: