N C Extreme SS how many spare switches?


Oct 28, 2008
Norwich UK
I got only one spare, thought there was supposed to be two?
I brought it from flashaholics in the UK which I think is the nitecore distributor over here. Can any one tell me what I am supposed to have in the box?
It's a nice light though, with the GDP Led. Slight mark beside the led, think it may a spot of solder.
Just want to make sure I have the parts I am ment to have ;-)
Thanks, Kam.

Also the flashlight came with the battery already inside, maybe tested before it was sent out to me.
This was a replacement for a D20 which I had to return as the switching was very erratic.
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The one I had, there was 2 spare switches plus some O rings.
Dont remember if the battery was installed or not.

EDIT ... I brought my one when they was first released. Maybe the newer ones are supplied with
only 1 spare switch.
I'm still waiting on the new black switches. Apparently they are more reliable than the yellow ones. Two of which I've had fail already in my NDI.
My one spare switch is all Black..on a green board.

Is that a new kind of switch then? And is that why I only have One?

Hi Kam.

I just received my Extreme GD+ yesterday and only have one black clicky on a green board, just as you've received.


My Extreme is from the first batch. The spare parts included:

- 2 switches, black body and yellow button
- 1 Allen spanner
- 1 black rubber boot
- 2 clear o-rings
