Nano 3.0v versus 3.7v chargers - pics and confusion


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 23, 2008
Tornado Alley, USA
Ok, I'm a bit confused. I ordered a Nano 3.0v charger from Lighthound the other day (sorry I don't have packaging) and it showed up no problem. I already had a 3.7v version of the same charger. Just like Lighthound's website also shows, my 3.0v version came with a white sticker on the front and my 3.7v version had a blue sticker. Ok, great so far.


Today I'm organizing my electronics stuff and just generally cleaning up everything. I manage to somehow mix-up which charger is which cause the appropriate cells for each fell out when moving. Rather than take the time to go to the website and look up the sticker color again, I decided it would be easier to just look at the back of the chargers for the DC output rating. At this point I hadn't busted out the multimeter yet. This is what I found:


(you can't see from my absolutely terrible pics :ohgeez: but the labels are EXACTLY the same, including the model # NBC-A001 and the DC OUT 4.2v 0.45A)

What gives? Am I missing something here? Here's what a multimeter test shows. Is it correct?


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