Need a good tactical light, whats the best for the buck?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2007
Need a good tactical light, whats the best for the buck? I am going to put it on my shotgun for rabbit hunting. Would like it to have these options, Focus beam, pressure switch, and really bright, but not really heavy. Not sure if LED is the way to go, maybe xenon or? Any opinions or ideas?
I'd suggest you go looking around a little bit, there's plenty of information available already. Oh, and you're going to look for a weaponlight, LED is a possibility, Xenon might be a choice as well, but if you go for Xenon you might want to choose a shock insulated light because otherwise the recoil can break the light bulbs filament
check into wolf-eyes: they have pressure pads and good quality for the price.

that's the 6 series with turbo bezel and pressure pad, the more expensive version listed includes a rechargeable 18650 size li-ion cell and charger.
Only thing that doesn't have is adjustable focus, but the ~36mm reflector should give about the right beam...

I'm concerned that a single cree might not be enough oomf... iduno, hard to really say... but I would personally want something more like this:

or this:

or maybe the M90 with the LumensFactory EO-9L lamp.
Depends on what you mean by tactical(Many companies just stick this work to make their lights sound more appealing). If you are just going rabbit hunting with the light, I doubt you'll need a true tactical light.

I can't suggest any weapon lights but I can suggest some normal lights that you can carry with you(Instead of shotgun mounted).

The Brinkmann Maxfire LX is a pretty good light. It's $17 at Target.

Any price range?

I would spend up to around $100.00 for light and charger if it needs one, however it must mount on the shotgun due to its a pump and i need both hands. I have a 10,000,000 candlepower spotlight and 2 mag-light 3 watt LEDS, plus a couple of 1 million candlepower cordless but they are heavy and will not mount to gun. whatcha got in mind????
What kind of shotgun?
Does it already have a forend that will accept a light?
Does your budget include a mounting rail?
How about replacing those Maglites with something like the Dereelight CL1H. More output and more throw then the MagLEDs. You might also be able to mount the Dereelight to the Shotgun but I'm not sure. Run the light on rechargeables if you don't want to spend money buying batteries.

If you have a Lowes nearby, I think they sell the Surefire 6PL and the G2L. Both are great lights(and you don't have to wait for shipping) but the Dereelight is brighter and I've heard quality is similar to a Surefires.

(Flashlight Abuse!!!)

Do you need a dedicated weapon light or do you want something that can be taken off and used normally.
I hunt on private farm land where jack rabbits are a problem in alfalfa fields. the owner says it is legal as long as i have his permision. in oregon they are not protected so there is no season or limit. same thing with nutria and feral pigs. I will most likey just use the light on the gun. the deerelight looks good, found one on ebay for $75, shipping included. will look somemore too see if this is a good price. it is a remington 870, no it does not have a forend that will accept a light. i have only seen surefire's that wil do that but they cost $225.... Is there a better led i can put in my maglights? thanks for all the help and interest. bottom line is the light just needs to have a narrow beam that will blind rabbits...
the deerelight looks good, found one on ebay for $75, shipping included. will look somemore too see if this is a good price.

Which Dereelight are you looking at? There are a lot of different version of even the CL1H. You can get the CL1H V3 2SD Q5(I think that is the brightest version so far) for USD 82 shipped, directly from the manufacturer here:
I have several shotguns with various I can switch my lights out as deemed necessary...let me know what type of shotgun you're talking about, and I should be able to help. If you have the 870, then you can put the streamlight 870 mount($12) and a $60/$80 Surefire G-3/9-P with a 225 lumen P-91, which will work with just about any 1" scope mount...or if you can find one of they're "M" series, (The cheapest M-series is $125, I think), which are basically double shock mounted. Or, if you have an extended magazine on your shotgun, you can use the magazine mount...or both, and have a highpowered aiming light and a low power navigation light? A 225 Lumen Surefire for what you want is probably your best bet.
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its a 870 with 2 shot extension, and a 6 round saddle and knoxx (hogue)compstock. Never thought of putting 2 lights on it. has a 26" barrell so plenty of room in front of magazine.
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The Ultrafire light are good for the price, it might work for you(Though if I had the money, I would go with the Dereelight. I would say buy directly from the manufacturer). The light you linked to seems like this light with this switch(notice that it is half the price of the eBay seller, probably the same product. I always check Dealextreme when I see a cheaper Cree or Seoul light on eBay because chances are that the same light is available on Dealextreme for cheaper.).

When a light only has one really moving part, the switch and those are usually hard to jam(Of course, quality dependent). Lithium batteries take the cold pretty well(Much better then the alkaline batteries)

Cree is just a LED manufacturer. Their LEDs are used in lights ranging from crap to tank quality.
The Dereelight will give you a lot of throw with a smooth reflector, and you have the option to switch to a textured reflector (if you order one of each). I have no experience with a Dereelight on a shot gun. The only part I'd worry about would be the switch and the small parts (springs, etc) inside, but it should be okay. If you go this way, please let us know how it works out and how the Dereelight performs on a shot gun.

You may want the single mode module (1SD - 1 stage digital Q5 WC 1.2A) to prevent accidental mode changes from the shot gun's recoil. If you go with this module, you will need an 18650 baterry.
You can use an adapter to hold the light in your shell carrier, although it's kind of annoying, because it a cast a shadow and the light's not in-line with the barrel...the Streamlight mount is the best for keeping it lined up with the barrel (just remove the magazine cap, put the streamlight holder on, and screw it back on), that way you can basically use your light to aim, instead of your bead. If weather's a concern, I've used my Surefire's (G-2's) while caving in Iceland (10 degrees/35-50mph winds)...and they never gave me a 10-20 degrees probably won't effect 'em...and, when compared to my other flashlight's, Surefire's are sealed the tightest. I don't have one of the 9-Volt Handheld Surefires yet (I do have a 918FA on my Marine Magnum though), on my 870 express I use a G-2 ($36) with a P-61 for targeting (120 Lumens), and a G-2 with a P-60 and a red filter for "navigation" (so I can see where I'm going/ID my surroundings)...not a bad set-up. Given the colder temperatures though, I would go with the G-2/G-3 (Nitrolon) bodies as opposed to the 6-P/9-P (aluminum), as the G-Series will hold the heat a little better, and keep your light and batteries at a more reasonable temp. Nice for in the winter and you need to go out and blast some coyotes!!!
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I am learning alot navigating this site, and with the post help. Of course after reading the reviews for 2 hours i cannot make up my mind. Thanks for the heads up 4 dealextreme, its a big help. As for the gun mount i like the idea of keeping it inline and am going to streamlights site as soon as a finish typing. i must admit i have more flashlights/lantern/spotlights than anybody i know. But i am truly blown away by how much i did not know about them and whats out there. again thanks for all the help. i would be a little lost with out it:thumbsup: and payday is friday!

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