Need a light for throw in the rain


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2005
Sunny San Diego
This last week, as you know, California has been deluged with El Nino rains. My neighborhood has flooding problems and the other night I was out checking neighbors yards after dark with my TK10. Unfortunately, when I tried to light up the gutters across the street, the light was pretty much swallowed up by the rain. I was highly disappointed. I'm looking for suggestions for a new light. Would I have better luck with <gasp!> an incan?

I appreciate any insight...and boy, am I glad to see the sun today!
This last week, as you know, California has been deluged with El Nino rains. My neighborhood has flooding problems and the other night I was out checking neighbors yards after dark with my TK10. Unfortunately, when I tried to light up the gutters across the street, the light was pretty much swallowed up by the rain. I was highly disappointed. I'm looking for suggestions for a new light. Would I have better luck with <gasp!> an incan?

I appreciate any insight...and boy, am I glad to see the sun today!
Yes, you do need a decent incandescent. How much are you willing to spend on it? I suggest you at least a Streamlight Ultrastinger or a Magcharger, both will vastly outperform that LED toy of yours... LOL.

Seriously, there are great options for not a lot of cash. Now, if you are willing to spend more, then a SureFire M3T is a great start in the addicting world of high-quality incandescent throwers.

And of course, you can always built a home-made hotwire if you research a bit... Check the Incandescent Forum out and ask around.

Actually, you could do almost as well out of the warm tint on the TK20, thats specifically designed for outdoor use and cuts through rain and fog way better than any of my other lights..
I moved this to the incan section because the OP suggested it in post #1 and again in post #4. Let's NOT re-start the standard boring old incan vs. LED argument yet again, shall we?

The OP has invited suggestions for an incan that would be suitable for rainy conditions. Please confine yourselves to that topic.
I moved this to the incan section because the OP suggested it in post #1 and again in post #4. Let's NOT re-start the standard boring old incan vs. LED argument yet again, shall we?

The OP has invited suggestions for an incan that would be suitable for rainy conditions. Please confine yourselves to that topic.

Thank you for moving this thread for me. I did not mean to start an incan vs. LED argument. I would be interested in suggestions for an incan. I've been looking at the Surefire G3, as well as the Streamlight incans.
The Surefire G3 would be great, however I would highly suggest a Turbohead.

The best one is probably the Surefire M4, as you can also use rechargeable (2x Li-ion 17670 cells) batteries, and after market bulbs like the Lumens Factory HO-M3T.

It is a great thrower, and I use mine all the time :thumbsup:
If you really need throw, I just follow the before posts, you should buy a incan with Turbo Head or at least a D36 drop-ins compatible.
For the second option there is the Lumens Factory Seraph series with their mini turbo heads that you can use with LF D36 drop-ins.

A cheaper option would be some generic xx500 model to run the HO-R5 on some 18650 cells.

RRT-1 :twothumbs
I'll avoid...

Best regards,
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How about a Malkoff M60W, oh wait, that's not incan, just looks incan. Mine out throws my strion incan and the p60 incan. If we get some rain soon I'll test the p60 against the m60w in the rain and let you know something (just sold the strion so can't compare it). Until the M60w, I was pleased, but never quite content, with leds in for outdoor/throw use.
Now, I've only entered the incan world very recently, but I will try my best:

- What is your budget? (including or not including power source?)

- Are you wanting to buy something which will work right off the shelf, or are you willing to mod something?

I keep wanting to build an ROP-High which should be easy and bright, and should throw really well. (Although now that I have 1185s, it may be a mag85 instead)

But I haven't seen D26s throwing that well.. at least, wouldn't be any more than your TK10. For throw, you're gonna have to go with a larger head.

From what I hear, those relatively cheap 12V/however many million candlepower spotlights with big reflectors throw very well.

I'm sure the real incan pros will chip in more.
hmmm, i have a few incands, actually 2. One is a budget Ultrafire WF500, im running it stock using 2x18650s (unprotected) and it seems to throw very well through rain, though havent tried it during a rainstorm.

Am getting into surefires (just scored a nice A2 with white LEDs, love the idea of a regulated incand) so i'd have to agree with those who posted getting an M3 or bigger with a turbohead.

The WF500 has roughly a 53mm head which helps a lot in throwing.

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