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Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 9, 2007
California, Los Angeles
I just purchased a flashlight from ebay and stated that it use 3.6V RCR123A, but shipped me a 3.7V Charger and a 3.6V battery. Will it charge correctly? Thank you.

Thank you silverfox!

How can I tell if the battery is protected or not? The seller said it's protected, but since he made a couple of mistake... I don't really trust him.

Sellers like that scare me. What we need, are more sellers who do a better job of labeling cells and chargers, or at least providing good information about the cells and charger they are selling, so that confusions such as this don't crop up. It's strange that in the li-ion world, the 3.6V and 3.7V rating is kind of used interchangeably, even though at 3.6V open circuit, the cell is almost dead, lol.

What we need is some standardized system. Classes of li-ion chargers and cells sold with some kind of marking that identifies what they are compatible with..... I think I might bring this up in another thread.

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