need flashlight with red filter.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 9, 2007
Fellow flashaholics, a family member of mine needs a tactical style flashlight which he can add a red filter to, maybe around $60-$80ish.
We would appreciate some of your knowledge.
Thanks in advanced.

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This will work on these Fenix lights: P3D, P2D, L1D, L2D, P1D, L1T/L2Tv2.0

Keep in mind, filtering a LED is a rather inefficient way to get red. Using a filter is really more of a convenience feature to only have one light fill multiple roles. If you need only red, using a red LED is the best way to go.
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You could buy a Surefire G2 and a filter for that price range. Or depending on the need, a Minimag with the Nite-Ize red led "drop-in", and if you get the rubber cap in the pack, you can scuff one of the extra clear "lenses" with sandpaper to make it more of a flood light. Or look for an Inova with red LED... Many good and different lights available in that price range.

He could go with the WOLF-EYES 6 or 9 series and add a filter.
Streamlight also has some nice choices.

Good luck
I have that Fenix red filter, fits nice n snug, works great on my LxD's:

This will work on these Fenix lights: P3D, P2D, L1D, L2D, P1D, L1T/L2Tv2.0

Keep in mind, filtering a LED is a rather inefficient way to get red. Using a filter is really more of a convenience feature to only have one light fill multiple roles. If you need only red, using a red LED is the best way to go.

It's worse than that - much worse.

A red filter will look red because it lets through *mostly* red light even if lets through enough at other frequencies to impair night vision. Which is exactly what most red filters do. If you really need night vision preserving, you need two lights, or one with a deep red LED and a white. (E.g. Gerber Recon, Surefire A2).