Need help choosing...

brite lite

Newly Enlightened
Dec 18, 2008
Hi, newbie here - I've had an account for a while but completely forgot about it TBH. Anyway, I need a bit of help choosing an LED flashlight and I was considering the Fenix L1D until I noticed how many options I had for a small, powerful flashlight. I'd rather use AA NiMH batteries over Lithium since they're expensive and I already have some LSD NiMH cells doing nothing. A few others I've noticed include the L1T (basically the same thing without all the modes isn't it?), LD10, the Nitecore D10, etc - there's just too many!!
So do you have any advice on what to go for? I'm open to suggestions, of course.
Hi, newbie here - I've had an account for a while but completely forgot about it TBH. Anyway, I need a bit of help choosing an LED flashlight and I was considering the Fenix L1D until I noticed how many options I had for a small, powerful flashlight. I'd rather use AA NiMH batteries over Lithium since they're expensive and I already have some LSD NiMH cells doing nothing. A few others I've noticed include the L1T (basically the same thing without all the modes isn't it?), LD10, the Nitecore D10, etc - there's just too many!!
So do you have any advice on what to go for? I'm open to suggestions, of course.
Yeah you need to qualify your question with specifics. What do you want to do with the light or any specific functions, options, or design you're looking for in the light?
Firstly, thanks for the links - I chose based on the tests in the 1AA roundup. Secondly - I did try searching but, unlike you, I'm new to the thread so when I'm presented with hundreds of relevant links it's not easy to know which one has the info I'm after - you may know what each thread contains but someone new to the forum isn't going to are they? No need to be unfriendly - everyone starts out a 'noob' hyperloop. I didn't bother posting again because the phrase 'if you had used the search function' really annoys me...
Man, what is with all the elitist hostility around here?

Brite_Lite, don't be discouraged. I posted a question about flashlight recommendations a while back and the people here were very helpful in sharing their thoughts and recommendations.

In any case, your best bet is to check the 'Reviews' subforum. As indicated above, the AA and AAA roundup will be pretty helpful for you.

If you are looking for a more powerful light that uses conventional batteries, consider the itp Polestar A6. Do a google search on it. It is about 80 bucks and widely available (amazon, etc) and uses SIX AAs to crank out up to 700 lumens. It is a rather big light relative to the ones you mentioned, but I thought I would mention it as an option.

There is also a TK40 which uses 8 AAs, but is more expensive.

Both lights are a bit 'outdated', but to my knowledge there are no lights in development which use AAs and the more recent emitters (P7, and SST-50s). There is a TK45, but it is kind of an oddball prototype.
Thanks, I mainly read the forums rather than post (the 2 post count might give that away ;)) and there are lots of great reviews/roundups here.
my apologies if you got annoyed, however, there isn't anything wrong with searching is there? perhaps i could have phrased it better and for that i do apologise. But the general idea is do some searches.
Brite Lite, start out with something safe and not too expensive that you'll probably always want to keep... get one of 4Sevens Quark MiNi AA lights!

I've got 7 of them!
Yeah no worries hyperloop. I got an LD10 which I'm very happy with but now I want more! Only thing is I'm in UK so it's a bit of a pain getting Quark lights here - it either involves waiting weeks for delivery or paying an extra $20 for priority mail and I run the risk of having to pay customs for import tax. Does anyone know any better solutions? Also when is the CR2 due to be released?
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well, off the top of my head all i can think of is to order from a UK site but this one site that i know of in the UK only offers Fenix (which is a good brand). I completely sympathise with the customs duties and shipping costs, living in singapore as i do, i wanted a terralux drop in for my 3D mag, imagine the shock when the shipping was 2x the cost of the dropin!!!

that sort of limits my choices so i now look for sites with reasonable shipping costs. thankfully my customs does not impose duties on electronics like flashlights.

does it make a difference if the declaration on the customs form says 'gift'?
Yeah I ordered my LD10 from that shop, no problems at all and free shipping. I've found shops for pretty much every other popular brand in the UK, it's just Quark I can't find. Does anyone have any experience ordering from the UK - did you get charged anything by customs? I recently ordered some other electronic parts from the US which cost about $60 with standard, slow shipping and they arrived at my door (customs declaration fully filled out stating the true value), no charges added so is it just random who they charge or something?
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