need help detecting cat urine =[


Newly Enlightened
Sep 2, 2008
Hi, I recently moved and my cat has started spraying in our new environment. I'm looking for a light that's not ridiculously overpriced, but will also actually detect the urine (unlike most black lights offered at pet stores). I have been looking at these 2 UV lights in particular:

Which one of these would be better? Or is there something else that would work more effectively? Thanks!
Well the 12 LED one is available on DX for a lower price, link. The other one isn't on there though.

I don't know what works best but I think a shorter wavelength will show the fluids better. But then cost might be a factor.

i think they both will work check this application matrix on left side ...but i think there may be some better lights , i just ordered the tle5uv to see how it is for my minimag but theres also a UV Inova X1 & X5 i chose tle5uv because its got more power which is always good , based from here

i know that theres a nichia uv thats 360nm that should be great but its $50-60 i think last i saw on ebay , but i did see a bad review of a 360nm uv here so i dont know what to think so i went with 395 tle5uv
From what I understand, the fluorescent tubes are easier and cheaper to get in lower wavelengths. So while they are not as cool looking, I hear that they are better for the price. But that is all from memory, and I may be wrong.
You can get small flourescent tubes that are UV and will fit in small pocket sized lights or larger twin tube lanterns ,that will serve well for this purpose.
I have a pocket sized one for tracking pet urine myself.
The bulbs are about 5 1/2 inches long and 5 watt.
They can be found at many websites and some brick and mortar stores on the cheap.
Once it is found, I heartly endorse a product called "Nature's Miracle". It removes all traces of pet odors, and does not leave any scent of its own.
We purchased a $12 battery powered fluorescent black light marketed for local wall poster illumination that worked well.

Couldn't quickly locate it just now.
Get the boy neutered! That stopped ours leaving its "impression."
The UV does work well to show what he has left you.
Our neutered females still "marked" territory afterwards. Once one starts.....

A product called Feliway helped us tremendously. The wall outlet plug-in diffusers are utilized with a rarely used spray bottle in reserve.

One of our cats is almost neurotic and on prescription valium. This stuff works. Upon initial fire up the cats recognize it immediately. Even after many years of use I notice a subtle change of behavior when the diffusers (2 in 2200 sq ft) are empty. They become more aggressive to each other.

Returning to topic:

I hope this doesn't ruin your opportunity to purchase a UV light. :)
I EDC an ARC AAA UV LED and the iNova X5 CR123.
I just got the Streamlight Twin-Task 3C UV.

I like it for a couple of reasons. 1) It has BOTH long and short wavelengths of UV light. 2) It has a primary white light built-in for general purpose uses as well.

I've had great results with it for doing the kinds of things you want to do. Just make sure it's at night time with the lights off. Using it otherwise may disappoint with how dim it appears in UV.
here's a source for UV leds that are brighter than the low bin ones that'll be in
those ebay deals. Of course you'll need to solder them and add a resistor into
whatever holder seems to work for you - I prefer a square of cardboard as a mounting surface to shield my eyes from the UV light.
You can get a 24" or 30" (forgot which it is) AC fixture with blacklight bulb at WalMart for $10. It's the right wavelength and strong enough to easily do what you need it to do. Most LED UV flashlights are more like toys compared to this type of light.

If you needed portable, I'd still recommend a florescent tube in the thinner diameter style. The most common is 4" that usually runs off of 4AA cells. There are also 6" and 12".

The bug zapper replacement bulbs are the correct wavelength, too.
As a former carpet cleaner, let me offer this advice:

Kill the cat. Now. Don't wait.

Despite what some products claim, cat urine is nearly impossible to get all the way clean. You'll end up having to pull pad, carpet, seal the floor, and replace the carpet and pad.

I look at it this way. I am a human being. We are the top of the heap on this planet. I will not live in some dumb animals toilet.
I am a human being. We are the top of the heap on this planet. I will not live in some dumb animals toilet.


I got one of these from DX. No idea what wavelength it produces, but it works darn good. Had a toddler living here for a little while and you'd be amazed at the interesting patterns I found in my carpet with this light.
It's bright enough to make a carpet stain glow real bright from all the way across the room.
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I got one of these from DX. No idea what wavelength it produces, but it works darn good. Had a toddler living here for a little while and you'd be amazed at the interesting patterns I found in my carpet with this light.
It's bright enough to make a carpet stain glow real bright from all the way across the room.

I have a similar setup (P60-UV assembly) but in a Surefire G2 host. It works great. with the 18650 it'll last for a very long time on 1 charge. I use 2 123's in mine, it's been 6 months of random use and it still works great on the same batteries.

I suggest that the OP also picks up a set of UV glasses, either the red ones or the yellow work great. You can get them at any sporting goods store. Makes it much easier on the eyes, and you can see things better. :D