Need help finding a cree dropin for a weapon light


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2008
I have a surefire weapon light on my rifle and would like to replace the p60 bulb with cree as I have on my M2 however the particular lighthound dropin I have in the M2 wont fit in my weapon light. The tube where the bulb sits is a fraction smaller than my M2 and won't accomodate the wide base of the dropin. Any suggestions on models that have narrower base that will fit? Sorry for the newbie dumb question. Thx
No dumb questions, only dumb answers.

Have you tried grinding down the module? Well, make sure there is enough material on the drop-in first(there should be enough).

Thanks! I have considered it but have not tried it mainly because I don't want to destroy the drop in (and waste $30). If it comes to that I may try it but was hoping for an easy out.
The Surefire P60L should fit right in. I put one on my Mossberg 590 forearm. The P61L should be out soon though. P60L puts out 80 Lumens out the front. P61L should be in the 130-140 range. Malkoff dropin should do the trick too and it rocks.
The Surefire P60L should fit right in. I put one on my Mossberg 590 forearm. The P61L should be out soon though. P60L puts out 80 Lumens out the front. P61L should be in the 130-140 range. Malkoff dropin should do the trick too and it rocks.

Do you have a link for the P61L information? This is the first time I've heard of it.