its one of these 5 families of wasps
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Mandibulata
Class Insecta
Subclass Apterygota and Pterygota
Order Hymenoptera
Its one of these 5 families all are about 2 cm:
Family Vespidae are hornets and yellowjackets that build paper nests of hexaonal cells in the ground, hollow trees on trees or under building overhangs. They are social wasps with a caste system
Family Eumenidae are Potter Wasps, they are solitary wasps and not social
Family Masaridae have antennae that are clubbed and wings are not folded. Nests are made of mud and sand adhered to sticks and twigs
Family Pompilidae are Spider Wasps with females having antennae that are curled
Family Sphecidae are Mud Daubers and Sand Wasps. They are solitary each usually forming a seperate nest in the ground of natural openings or by building mud cells.