need help in deciding to buying flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Apr 29, 2010
Hi everyone,

I am a new member and this is my first post.

I need a flashlight a compact, fit in the pocket, really bright, and can use rechargeable battery. Does anybody know any particular brand and model that are of good quality, and where to get it?

Welcome to CPF, Master.

You posted in the Practice section ; I'm moving your post to the LED Flashlights section since you are looking for something small and bright.

It would be helpful if you could give more precise information - maximum size, budget, what it is to be used for etc. The bare details you have given could apply to hundreds of possible lights.
Thank you DM51 for replying,

I'm looking for a high quality light, 4-9 inches long, use rechargeable lithium battery, water-proof, brighter than a four-cell maglite, all that for about a $70-$180 dollar.

I will be using it for everyday carry, travel, and outdoor.

Thank you DM51 for replying,

I'm looking for a high quality light, 4-9 inches long, use rechargeable lithium battery, water-proof, brighter than a four-cell maglite, all that for about a $70-$180 dollar.

I will be using it for everyday carry, travel, and outdoor.


Given those parameters the options are vast. I have close to 50 lights and still haven't decided which few I want to keep.

Take your time and research for weeks before you decide which one fits your needs. The biggest mistake most make is getting sucked into "more lumens is better" syndrome.

I can't make a recommendation because like I said I haven't figured out what I like. I do seem to be liking single cell light though. HDS products are very functional, very well made lights. Quality is your friend.

Good luck with your decision....TAKE YOUR TIME!!!!
I'm looking for a high quality light, 4-9 inches long, use rechargeable lithium battery, water-proof, brighter than a four-cell maglite, all that for about a $70-$180 dollar.

I will be using it for everyday carry, travel, and outdoor.

Surefire 9P or C3 (or possibly G3), depending on your taste. In their stock form, they can run 3x CR123A primary cells or 2x 17500 lithium ion rechargeable cells. They have a pleasing full spectrum beam with good throw with lots of spill. They come with a lifetime warranty backed by one of the (arguably the) best companies in the business with a reputation for great, albeit rarely needed, service.
How about a Fenix ta 21 it can use the 18650 battery or 2 cr123s I relly like mine
There are almost countless great options for your request.

Everyone is going to recommend a light they themselves own and 50 different people will likely suggest 50 different quality lights that would work for you.

A couple of the lights previously mentioned are a bit big for pocket carry in my opinion (Surefire, Fenix TA21), but the HDS/Ra lights are about as big as I think comfortably fits in the pocket. So my personal favorite in your budget would be a Ra Clicky or twisty in whatever custom configuration you like. Both of them start at $139 and can be customized for your budget, but even the EDC basic model for $99 is a GREAT all around durable light and higher quality than most any of the Chinese lights even though the Chinese lights will tend to be brighter and cheaper. Plus, when you spend that kind of money, it is nice to get something that is custom made just for you.

I'd spend my money on the Ra, a quality charger, and a couple AW RCR123 batteries which should run you right about $180
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Hi, Master, :welcome:

For a bright, extremely versatile light, take a look at the Quark AA. When powered by a rechargeable lithium 14500 battery it yields 200+ OTF (out-the-front, as opposed to emitter) lumens. On the low end, the "moonlight" mode of 0.2 lumens is surprisingly useful for such things as looking at restaurant menus or checking on the kids without waking them. In a pinch, you can revert to the ubiquitous alkaline AA, which drops the max output to 100+ OTF, but leaves all of the other features intact.

Good hunting.
Inforce is made by Emissive Energy, which is the manufacturer of the Inova brand flashlights you find at retail.

They make good products- try searching the forums as well.
Inforce, Fenix, NiteCore, and JETBean seem to to have good models.
I think I like model that use 18650 battery because it can also use CR123 battery.
Inforce, Fenix, NiteCore, and JETBean seem to to have good models.
I think I like model that use 18650 battery because it can also use CR123 battery.

Don't forget the 4sevens Quark 123-2 lights. They use 2xCR123's, RCR123's or 1x17670 and an 18650 body is offered as an optional accessory. I guess I'm trying to say +1 on the Quark:poke: :D.
Okay, I think I'm getting the Inforce color. The price is above what I originally willing to pay for a flashlight, but it such a cool light, one with three diffrent colors.

Does anyone know anything about this store
Are they reputable? Their website looks professional.

You ain't gonna buy just one!

You made a big mistake venturing in here. It's like a drug.

NO!! It's better coz it's legal.

Seriously though, have you looked at the Fenix TK30? It has a bigger twin in the TK40 and will cover just about any lighting requirement bar being an EDC (though some probably do).
I think I like model that use 18650 battery because it can also use CR123 battery.

Often or usually the case, but not always. If that's what you want, check before you buy, don't take it for granted.

I had a hard time (well, actually took me like 4 minutes - that is a LONG time in the age of Information Highways) tracking down the flashlight recommendation checklist. It may help you narrow your choices. This list appears to be written in 2005, but it doesn't seem outdated to me. Good job, ThomasH link

Recommend a Flashlight Checklist:
(Don't worry about all the questions, just the ones you feel strongly about!)

Short Essay Question: What do you intend to use this light for?

0) What Region/Country/State will the light be purchased in?

____I will be mail-ordering or buying online, so this doesn't matter.
____I am in North America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in South America. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Europe. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in the Middle East. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Africa. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Asia, Japan or Micronesia. More precisely I am in _______________.
____I am in Australia. More precisely I am in _______________.

1) Price Range: An easy question, but you may change your mind after answering the rest! :)

____I only want to pay $1-10.
____I can spend $15-30.
____I could spend $40-60.
____I am willing to spend $80-$120.
____I have no limit!

2) Format:

____I want a flashlight.
____I want a headlamp.
____I want a lantern.
____I want a portable spotlight.

3) Length:

____I don't care.
____1-2 inches. (Keychain sized)
____2-4 inches. (Pocket carry)
____4-9 inches. (Holster carry)

4) Width:

____I don't care.
____I prefer a long narrow light.
____I prefer a short wide light.

5) What batteries do you want to use? Alkaline batteries are easier to find and less expensive but don't pack as much stored energy and are don't work well in cold temperatures. Lithium batteries have long shelf life (10+ years, great for stored emergency lights) and are not as affected by cold but must be kept dry and are more expensive. Rechargeable start expensive, but if used frequently pay off quickly.

____I want common Alkaline batteries. (AA, AAA, C, D)
____I want lithium batteries. (coin cells, CR123, AAA, AA...)
____I want a rechargeable system. (an investment, but best for everyday use)

6) How much light do you want? Sometimes you can have too much light (trying to read up close up with a 100 lumen light is impossible).

____I want to read a map, or find a light switch, in a dark room. (5-10 lumens)
____I want to walk around a generally paved area. (15-20 lumens)
____I want to walk unpaved trails. (40 lumens)
____I want to do Caving or Search & Rescue operations. (60+ lumens)
____I want to light an entire campground or dazzle an intruder. (100+ lumens)

7) Throw vs Flood: Which do you prefer, lights that flood an area with a wide beam, or lights that "throw" with a tightly focused beam? Place an "X" on the line below.

Throw (distance)----------------------|----------------------Flood/close-up

8) Runtime: Not over-inflated manufacturer runtime claims (like some LED lights). but usable brightness measured from first activation to 50% with new batteries.

____20 min. (I want the brightest light for brief periods)
____60-240 min. (1-2 hours)
____240-360 min. (4-6 hours)
____360+ min. (More than 6 hours)

9) Durability: Generally the old phrase "you get what you pay for" is very accurate for flashlights.

____Not Important (A "night-stand" light.)
____Slightly Important (Walks around the neighborhood.)
____Very Important (Camping, Backpacking, Car Glove-box.)
____Critical (Police, Fire, Search & Rescue, Self-defense, Survival.)

8) Switch Type:

____I don't care.
____I want a sliding switch. (Stays on until slid back.)
____I want a "clickie" switch. (Stays on until pressed again.)
____I want a momentary switch. (Only stays on while held down.)

9) Switch Location:

____I don't care.
____I want a push or sliding switch on the body near the head.
____I want a push switch on the back end of the body.
____I want a rotating head switch.
____I want a rotating end-cap switch.
____I want a remote control.

10) Operational Modes: Check all that apply.

____A simple on-off is fine for me.
____I want 2 light levels. (Brighter/short runtime and Dimmer/long runtime.)
____I want multiple light levels. (some lights have 5-16 light levels.)
____I want a strobe mode. (blinks to show location.)
____I want a tactical strobe. (Flashes rapidly to disorient an opponent.)

11) Is it important whether the body is metal or plastic/composite?

____I don't care.
____I want a metal-bodied light.
____I want a plastic/composite light.

12) Special Needs: Is there anything else you want or need that hasn't been mentioned? Circle any below or write in your own comment(s).

____Red (night vision preserving) filter
____Other filter colors (Amber, Green, Blue, _________)
____Waterproof – how deep: _____________
____Non-reflective/dark finish (stealthy/hard to find)
____Polished silver or brightly colored finish (for easy locating)
____Corrosion resistant or hard-anodized finish
____"Hybrid" light (bright incandescent combined with long running LEDs)
____Built-in second (or spare) lamp or filament
____Belt/Jacket clip
____Wrist/Neck Lanyard
____Kobuton/self defense features
____Non-sparking Intrinsically Safe (IS) for use in explosive environments

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