Need help : problem with a TENERGY 18650 battery


May 11, 2007
Red Deer, AB, Canada
It's about a new TENERGY 18650.
A few days ago I have tested in a TIABLO A8 to see the runtime. All was OK, I got even a better runtime than with a AW 18650 !!??

After recharging the battery, I have tried it in a LUMAPOWER M1 .
Surprise : the light flickered once and that's it...
I have tried it in the TIABLO A8 : same result , one flickering and no light coming...
I checked the lights mentioned with an AW 18650 and they are working flawlessly.

The TENERGY 18650 is charged but it doesn't want to work anymore
What could be the explanation ? Just one from a bad batch ?
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It would have only tripped the protection circuit if the circuit was either flawed, or the load was over 1.5C or ~4amps.

Both the Tiablo A8 and Lumapower M1 are Q5 lights that are 1A max. That should be no where near the protection circuit limits.

Tenergy stands behind their cells with a 6 month warranty. I'd contact them.
I have tried this AW 18650 in my 3-rd 18650 light : JETBEAM PRO IBS . It doesn't work with this either !
Thanks for the tips Jason. I didn't know that TENERGY is an american company and they have a warranty policy. Just send them an e-mail.I will see what theyt will do !
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