need help with acm7135 wiring


Newly Enlightened
Jan 21, 2009
London (UK)
I got an acm7135 5-modes 1A driver from DX (sku.6190), and I wanted to use it to mod a romisen rc-n3.
Unfortunately the driver arrived unwired, and its layout is pretty different from the picture DX shows for this item (I know there are several layouts around, but I could not find any hints for mine).
Can someone enlight me on the correct wiring for this paricular board?

Positive to the upper end of D1 (marked as +), negative to any of the left legs of 7135s.. I think. :thinking:
Here is a recent thread with several labeled pictures of sku6190. LED+ and Battery+ are the same connection. Battery- is the outer ring on both sides. And LED- is as sn0wBLiND said the left pin on the side of the 7135 that has 3 legs. The first picture in EL34's thread shows a blue line where the negative outputs are all wired in parallel.

There are several other links in this thread as well that may help.