Need help with Fenix LOD Idenfication


Newly Enlightened
Jan 30, 2009
Can someone help out a newbie? I'm buying a used Olive colored Fenix LOD. Is there an easy way to indentify whether it's a plain LOD, a LOD CE, or the LOD Q4? There are no markings on the LOD to indicate which it is and that sellers does not have the original packaging.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, Tim
It's easy to distinguish the LOD (Lux III), LOD CE (Cree XR-E) and LOD RB80 (Rebel) by looking at the LED. I don't have links to pictures handy, but you should be able to find them with a Search.

If it's an LOD CE, the original P4 version can be distinguished by the LED only having three bond wires instead of four. I don't know how to reliably distinguish between the Q2 and Q4 versions, but if I recall correctly, the Q2 was only available in a limited edition model from, and it's distinctively labeled.
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It's easy to distinguish the LOD (Lux III), LOD CE (Cree XR-E) and LOD RB80 (Rebel) by looking at the LED. I don't have links to pictures handy, but you should be able to find them with a Search.

If it's an LOD CE, the original P4 version can be distinguished by the LED only having three bond wires instead of four. I don't know how to reliably distinguish between the Q2 and Q4 versions.

Only the old P4's had 3 bond wires. Later ones had 4.

However, I am fairly sure that the olive L0D only ever came in the Q4 variety.
I think the Q2 was technically Natural, but the finish on mine is the same as the Olive finish on my TK10.
I think the Q2 was technically Natural, but the finish on mine is the same as the Olive finish on my TK10.

?? Fenix didn't open up their own anodizing shop (which is where the olive comes from) until AFTER they stopped outsourcing the "natural" from a 3rd party anodizing shop.
The finishes on my two lights appear to be the same (or a very similar) color.
Not sure when they started putting a serial number on the heads. My late model olive finish L0DQ4 has one.


Edit: Where are my manners? Welcome to CPF, Timway.
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Thanks for the welcome and quick responses. I just looked at the LED and it definitely has only 3 wires. So I guess that means it's the original LOD CE, non Q4.
That makes no sense. A 3-wire P4 means it's 1.5-2 years old at least, which was before they made any olive models.
I have an Olive Q4 and a Natural Q2, just want to say that they both have 4 bond wires.

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