Need info on Surefire B65 battery pack


May 23, 2005
Specifically what kind of cells does this pack use (I know its ni-cad) and how many are in the pack.

Is this pack supposed to be able to run the stock 6v lamp?
SilverFox said:
Hello Rommul,

I believe it is 4 cells in series. I don't know the size.



I suspect they are 2/3 A's but wanted some kind of confirmation.

wouldn't the 4 cells be underdriving the bulb at 4.8v. I think I read somewhere that the 6P is really a 5.0v bulb
Rommul, The B-65 will run the stock p60 lamp for about 50 min.. It will run the P61 for about 10 min. Surefire sells the B65 pack for around $12.00. It is built with four cells. They are about the size of 123s but are a little shorter.
I think the stick is made from 4 2/3A batteries isn't it?

fishx65 said:
Rommul, The B-65 will run the stock p60 lamp for about 50 min.. It will run the P61 for about 10 min. Surefire sells the B65 pack for around $12.00. It is built with four cells. They are about the size of 123s but are a little shorter.