Need Lawn help. Which Shrub for a "Privacy Wall"???


Jul 25, 2005
I live in Gainesville,FL. Its hot, humid and the area the shrubbery will be in is full sun, and sandy. I would like to put up a wall of shrubs along the back of my lot, and grow to 10 feet tall and be a solid wall. I would generally like something low to no maintainence. I am doing it mainly so I dont have to see my rear neighbors shed and greenhouse. :sick2:

Sooooo..... Any Suggestions on what kind of plant to get? I am totally cluless in the horticulture dept. I have no green thumb.

Plant some Leyland cypress in a zig zag pattern with one row being in front of the other. They grow 3' a year once they get going.
You might want to look at a plant called Photinia...the 'fraseri' variety is well-suited to the use you are looking at.

Low-maintenance (once a year light pruning or shearing), takes 100+ degree heat, grows moderately quickly when well watered, and is dense enough to give you significant privacy. The new foliage in spring is a cool-looking red color, and the flowers are small and don't draw bees. The only thing I'm unsure of is their tolerance of high humidity, but ag charts I've looked at show the stuff as fine for your area. What's nice is you can shear the mature plants to make a formal or informal hedge...nice looking plants when mature.

You might want to check with a local nursery to see if it's commonly planted in your area.