And what is the situation with the charger polarity, specifically?
Marked one way and you know it is electrically the other way around?
Or the cell does not make contact as marked?
Just trying to be sure you aren't trying to charge the cell in reverse because that will definitely result in an Undesirable Lithium Incident.
The charger would likely charge at a very low current if you reversed the cell (the charger would see -3.7V and most half decent Li-ion chargers will charge at 10mA or something if the cell is below +2.5V or so; this is to recover slightly overdischarged cells more safely than blasting them will full charge current). So you may have slightly discharged your battery, that's all.
First things first, if you are using Li-ion and DO NOT have a multimeter, get one! Check voltage! If this cell is not between 3.0 and 4.2, pitch it. Otherwise try charging again and note what the voltage is doing. If going down, flip the cell and fix the contacts. If going up, make sure terminates at 4.20 or less, else dump both the cell and the charger in the garbage!
Also, the "Pila" charger bundled with a TrashFire cell is kind of suspect. I have to wonder if it is not Pila.