need suggestions


Newly Enlightened
Dec 31, 2005
on a flashlight for the car. I already have a PT EOS in my car but would like a C or D cell LED flashlight to accompany it for throw. I am trying to keep the budget under 40 bucks. Thanks

T.C. -- Coast makes a number of great general use flashlights for car or
home use and they all have exceptional battery life. I get them from I have the 1012 V2 16 chip Flashlight, the 1006 V2 6 chip Flashlight and the 7446 V2 3watt power chip
Check them out. Hope this helps.

I agree with the MagLED, but as for the Coast, you have to be really careful with their stuff. A lot of it is pure garbage, with only a few models being worth buying. I've heard of their "Hokus Focus" as being pretty darn good, as well as a couple others that I don't remember. Overall, though, I don't think Coast is worth the gamble. (Keep in mind this is all IMHO and YMMV.)

Another possibility is Streamlight. You might really like the 3C ProPoly.