Neodymium No Conduction Solved


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 4, 2003
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
The small magnets came in a blister pack and didn't pass any juice. It was only luck that let me see the almost invisible soft plastic coating all the surfaces. Never expected that. The thin plastic wrap was so tenacious I had to grip the magnet with a needlenose and use a razor blade to peel a small area at a time. Is this common for these small magnets?

I'd appreciate info for a source of really small 1/8 - 3/16 inch neodymiums.
Not sure about the wrapping of magnets - not seen that myself but it's not like I buy them on any kind of regular or even infrequent basis. With that said - I have bought from K&J Magnetics and would buy from them again:

Hope his help.

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Thank you for the link CobraMan, I ordered several magnets for various uses. KJ Magnetics has a super-easy site and appears to be professional grade.
You are welcome! Be careful with their magnets - they are very powerful and if they snap together can cause some damage to flesh or material...

Although the magnets I bought in a retail store aren't as strong as the KJ variety, I wonder if the plastic-wrap on mine was to ease removal for typical use.

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I resemble your sigline. ;)
The plastic wrap may be there to stop them from chipping or breaking so easily. The bare magnets are very fragile. However, I haven't seen them plastic wrapped, myself.
Are the shiny new (nickle plated?) neodymium magnets fragile like the older ferrous types? So far, I haven't had any neos break or chip. Perhaps I've just been lucky with them, at this point.
Yes, they're fragile, too. It's mainly the very thin ones that chip or break easily. Like, 1mm or less thickness.