NEW <5mw Greenie under $40.00 ?!?!?!?


Jan 14, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
It is called, "THE CORE" and is being sold by a Wicked Lasers affiliate based out of New york ! LINK It boasts of all the quality of Wicked, and shipped for $5.00 inside the U.S. !!! Okay - someone needs to get one, and post a review ASAP ! I think if this is a good quality laser, then Wicked could very well run Leadlight out of the running for inexpensive quality in the <5mw green market ! Stay tuned.....

Thos of you that know me well, know that I am neither for, nor against Wicked - they fill a niche' as do some other major names - but this is truly, spectacular news IMO.
Nice! It seems to be somewhat similar to the Leadlight in form and size. Fromt he pictures/3D model, I can also guess that it opens the same way, by having to pry off the tiny top.I would be very interested in a review as well.

Note the group price drops it to $30 for 100+!! AMAZING!

It sounds too goof to be true, and we all know what that means...

I find it odd that this is suposedly a WL product, but their homepage says nothign about it. if I were the one ordering, I would contact Wicked directly and ask them if it's legit... I could easily put up a page claiming I sold lasers @ $5 for 1kw! and I coudl just as easily claim they were made by WL, DL, LO, or anyone else I wanted to. IF it's legit, it sounds good, though DX has them beat to dust with their prices... quality vs power vs $$$
Very good point... I searched the WL site, and found nothing. :(

I wonder if they are very moddable. If not any more so than the regular Leadlight, I don't see what's so exciting about this, as has been selling for this same price for a few months now.
SenKat said:
It is called, "THE CORE" and is being sold by a Wicked Lasers affiliate based out of New york ! LINK It boasts of all the quality of Wicked, and shipped for $5.00 inside the U.S. !!! Okay - someone needs to get one, and post a review ASAP ! I think if this is a good quality laser, then Wicked could very well run Leadlight out of the running for inexpensive quality in the <5mw green market ! Stay tuned.....

Thos of you that know me well, know that I am neither for, nor against Wicked - they fill a niche' as do some other major names - but this is truly, spectacular news IMO.
Leadlights I think are the defacto standard in 5mw 532nm for high quality Lasers so we'll have to see how these really do.

However I'm game, I just went ahead and placed an order; let's see what happens. Hey my order number was a single digit number, must be a really new company; the credit card was processed through The Royal Bank of Scotland. :popcorn:
pseudo said he orderd 4 so I'm sure we'll hear all about it from a reputable source.
I am remaining hopeful that it will not be a disapointment ! It would be nice to have an alternative to all the "imposter" Leadights out there ! And, maybe I will have to get one, as the only 5mw one I have is shaped like a nose hair clipper ! :lolsign:
SenKat said:
I am remaining hopeful that it will not be a disapointment ! It would be nice to have an alternative to all the "imposter" Leadights out there ! And, maybe I will have to get one, as the only 5mw one I have is shaped like a nose hair clipper ! :lolsign:

Does anyone have a list of "real" vs "imposter" Leadlights out there? Who should we be avoiding purchase from? I've not heard.
I do not have a list - I have seen a thread on here at one time outining a few places to steer clear of, but I cannot recall the header for the thread, sorry :(
jellyfish414 said:
Does anyone have a list of "real" vs "imposter" Leadlights out there? Who should we be avoiding purchase from? I've not heard.

I really like the simple case design w/o the clip. For under $40 it would make a great everyday-carry laser. That is, if you're like me and feel the need to always have at least one laser in your pocket :sssh:
OH yeah ! I carry a little greenie in a Dragon case all the time ! My wife thinks I am nutty - but hey...I gotta give her something to think about, right ? :laughing:
ooopretty said:
Read Steves Blog, its in there and it is LEGIT WOOT!

Read that, it's interesting how he knocks Leadlight and yet there is plenty of non-QA'd lasers coming out of WL and lots of RMA's just to get one new-out-of-the-box that works correctly. Just do some reading on lasercommunity and some other forums and you'll see lots of post about brand new WL's being RMA'd sometimes even more than once, before WL gets it right.

The jury is still out on the WL Core, so I wouldn't blow my horn too loud if I was him, even their $1,700.00 Spyder has given people problems and had to be RMA'd. You would think with that much money at stake WL would actually QA each one before they go out the door, instead it appears the customer does that for them.

Granted IF/when you get a good WL that is right, they are reported to be very good; read the forums, problem is getting that good one. For the money WL charges they ought to be ashamed of themseleves.

As for the first high quality $40.00 green laser, I believe that goes to Leadlight; actually I've paid a little less than that from very reputable dealers for a Geniune Leadlight that is high quality.

Lets see if WL's can make the #2 spot and then try and catch-up with Leadlight; jury's still out on that for the 5mw Greens, as we don't know yet how the quality is really going to be and how many RMA's it might take.

I thought about buying a WL several times, but the 200% - 400% markup they charge for a Chinese Laser and all the QA & RMA issues, I'm not willing to be put through all of that. :candle:
I'd just loike to point out that WL AFAIK has had no problems with their Pulsar series except a few minto switch issues. I'm very happy with mine. Though I must say the prices are somewhat high, to put it nicely...

@senkat: I carry my Pulsar at all times. I used to carry my atec too, but still no batteries (damned college bills.. I *could* be putting all that tuition money on something important... liek a laser (lol j/k))
No way - you keep your tuition money going right where it is going right now ! Geesh !!!! Kids today, I mean really ! Heh - I am a little jealous - I made a pulsar that I think outperforms its' original "host" very well - but I could not get the body down to the size to fit in the Dragon case that Wicked sells, so it is sitting here, looking at me daily, reminding me why you shoud plan well the first time, to avoid re-working something later.:ohgeez:
Well if the "core" is bang on the money for 5mw fully IR filtered for $40 delivered , then you have to say this is a stroke of genius by them.

Executive casing and new hard plastic shipping case? at this point it really does appear too good to be true.

I cannot wait to see the first review. The Gauntlet has well and truly been thrown down.

Ok, I decided this is a good buy and purchased one. I'll have to see how it turns out. I don't really like AAA powered lasers, but the price is pretty good. Thanks for the link!
Has anybody actually recieved one of these yet? I ordered mine on Sunday and also placed an order for something else with another company out of CA. The CA order arrived yesterday, nothing for this order yet, other than the reciept they sent me for what I ordered, which by they way they overcharged me and haven't answered me about that issue yet. They are 2000 miles closer to me than the company in CA, yet nothing; not even a tracking number they say you'll get when it ships. Are we sure they actually have those in-stock in NY as reported, OR are they actually being dropped shipped from good olde China? Or better yet collect the $$, get the product shipped to NY and from there back out to the customers....anybody really know? :popcorn:

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