New battery chemistry, need runtimes.

They have to be taking the **** (sorry, someone had to say it)

"For those who think that this is a gross idea, you cna always use other liquids like beer, apple juice, cola, and saliva in addition to urine"

A mixture of urine, saliva and apple juice is obviously far less gross. They should market it more on that idea.
Remember the "water powered watch" back in the 80's? I had one of those!

Much like a potato battery, it's got magnesium and carbon electrodes that actually supply the energy and you're just adding an electrolyte medium to allow the reaction to proceed, rather than being the "fuel" per se.
oh darn, according to this site, they can only be used 3-5 times and are only 500mah... but hay, as long as they dont have leakage problems and they're cheap they might be useful, esecially in remote locations "hold on let me go behind this bush and recharge my batteries":naughty:
I understand that there is serious research into using blood / body fluids for battery electrolyte for embedded medical devices (pacemakers etc). Or possibly is was using the blood sugar as fuel.

Either way, I'm sure someone here will be the first human with embedded 10 Cree flashlight :eek::poof:.

Wouldn't this be better placed in the battery forum? :whistle:

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