New CPF member here!!!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 10, 2009
Hello to all!!!
I have been a flashoholic since i was a small child. However, only recently found the vast array of custom high end torches. I am a law enforcement officer and depend on my lights. I currently carry a SF e1e for EDC, a SF 6P on my belt a SF M3 combat light in my bag along with 2 Streamlight ultra stingers. I keep a Stinger XT and a Strion next to the bed. Like I said, I have only recently found these high end, high output LED torches and am hooked. I just traded my buddy my SF M3 for a S&W 642 .38, so am in the market for a new torch and am really interested in the Jetbeam III Pro Ultra. The M3 just eats batteries as much as i used it. I really like the strobe feature for clearing buildings and like the fact that the IBS system allows you to switch from momentary to strobe with the tailcap switch. I do not like lights that have a "turning bezel" to switch modes as usually my other hand is on my weapon. I am also in the market for a new EDC light and looking at either the Ra Clicky, the Novatac 120-T, or the Nitecore EX10 but LOVE the size of my e1e. The only thing i dont like about the EX10 is the lack of a strobe with is great when clearing a room. Any suggestions or comments on my choices would be helpful

Anyway, i just wanted my first post to be one about me and to say hello. I hope to gain a lot of knowledge here.

One more thing. I am VERY interested in modding the lights I already own as well as perhaps someday being able to build my own custom torch. So with that said. Can anyone point in the right direction to learn how these LED's work? A beginners guide to a build or a book maybe??

Firstly :welcome:

Okay HERE is a DIY guide by CPF's StefanFS for modding a Maglight with a high output SSC (Seoul Semi Conductors) P7 emitter, a good place to start as any I suppose ;)

Surefire 6P mods are also bountiful just search for P60 drop in modules... anything from 100Lm to real scorchers! more information available HERE :thumbsup:

The Jetbeam III Pro Ultra is a nice light from a reputable manufacturer (I've got their Jet-III M variant :rock:), but I'm curious as to root of your dislike of bezel mode swapping flashlights over the 'tail cap scrolling' variety :thinking:
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There is a whole section devoted to modding lights yourself
look in "Homemade and Modified Lights" section

Hmm .... your SF 6P needs a Malkoff dropin :devil:

Your wallet is going to regret you finding this forum ;) :p

I have a Fenix L1D which you can leave the head in the turbo position, conveniently the Strobe function is then only a soft press away when the light is switched on.

I am not a LEO though, so I can't pretend I know if this would fulfill your needs.
Welcome! And TX101 hit the nail on the head! Time to visit Gene Malkoff's site :twothumbs Thatll give your 6P a much needed boost in output and runtime. And as far as a new EDC id say your off to a good start with your choices. The Novatac's have and still do have lots of problems and the Ra's have HAD(past tense) lots of tailcap problems but Henry has switched to a new design (pun intended;)) And I personally have one and abuse it pretty well and so far I love it! Just a warning though youll probably want to look for an aftermarket clip unless you plan to clip it to your belt. I would also look into the Jet IIIM, Surefire LX2, and Surefire E2DL if youd be willing to go for a 2 cell light.

As far as replacing your M3 Surefire has plans for an M3L and M3TL high output LED replacement for their M3. Or if you want one now Id say check out the Jetbeam RRT-1 or M1X. Both are much brighter than your M3 and both can use rechargeable batterys!

Thank you for the warm welcome. The reason i dont light the "bezel" scrolling method is because if i am clearing a vacant building in the dark, my firearm is in my right and and my light in my left. I always use the momentary on feature of the light as to not give away my position. Since my firearm is in one hand, i can only operate the light with my left. Therefore, a single tailcap switch scrolling feature works for me. Further, i usually keep my EDC light in my left pocket. In a stress situation, i would like to be able to retrieve the light from my left pocket and immediately be able to deploy the strobe. I have seen the strobe function used on a Novatac 120-T in training. It was an active shooter scenario and me and my buddy were assigned to sweep the classrooms in a hallway. While entering a room, we were encountered by an armed gunman (instructor). My buddy who already had his firearm and his light at the ready, quickly entered strobe mode, blinding and disorienting the instructor. Even the instructor said it hit him really good. My only real demands for a light are 1. a single button tail cap scrolling feature w/ momentary 2. a strobe function and 3. be bright as hell and have awesome throw.

So, I found that the Fenix PD20 is about the same size as my e1e and has a strobe feature. I also just found the Fenix TK11 (no strobe). But, it looks like a tank.

So here my options for EDC
1. Fenix PD20
2. Ra Clicky (sweet but a tad large and pricey)
3. Novatac 120-T (also sweet but failry wide and apparently has some issues)
4. Nitecore EX10 (no strobe)

Primary carry
1. Jetbeam III Pro Ultra (SWEET)
2. Jetbeam Raptor RRT-2 (Bezel function though)
I havent really found any other larger lights for primary carry that fit my criteria. Any suggestions?

Thanks again
Hey, welcome to cpf.

How many modes do you need to be accessible from the button? What exactly do you use strobe for? Surefire is a big company that gears towards the military and law enforcement, and I don't think they have a single light with strobe.

You might want to look at a smaller Jetbeam IBS model for your backup.

I think normally, a Surefire body with a Malkoff in it is typically a primary light. It is an extremely bright, on/off only light. It is used because the last thing you want to do is to land on the wrong mode and end up messing with your flashlight when you need it. Then you'd go to a backup light with a couple modes on it so you can have a little light when you need it.
You state that you only use momentary on, but "tailswitch scrolling" lights do not usually have momentary on activation, since half presses are used to change modes.
I believe that the Eagletac T20C2 uses a double button press to activate the strobe, while still retaining momentary on capability (well sort of, but it seems like it would be very easy to accidentally activate the strobe when using the momentary on). However, the actual output levels are controlled by loosening the head. You shouldn't need to change modes in a high stress situation; ideally you should already be in the correct mode, so there is less that can go wrong.
Hey, welcome to cpf.

How many modes do you need to be accessible from the button? What exactly do you use strobe for? Surefire is a big company that gears towards the military and law enforcement, and I don't think they have a single light with strobe.

You might want to look at a smaller Jetbeam IBS model for your backup.

I think normally, a Surefire body with a Malkoff in it is typically a primary light. It is an extremely bright, on/off only light. It is used because the last thing you want to do is to land on the wrong mode and end up messing with your flashlight when you need it. Then you'd go to a backup light with a couple modes on it so you can have a little light when you need it.

Yea, i only need maybe 2 or three functions. I would like to have a low, high and strobe. Low for looking at papers in the car (tinted windows) and high for car stops and building searchs etc. I always have my 6P on my belt and my e1e in my pocket however, I also keep one in the pocket of my raid vest. Im assigned to a plain clothes street crimes unit in a large city. So I always need a light. Im looking to replace the light in my vest. Im really leaning towards the Jetbeam III pro ultra. I believe it has a momentary tailcap and you are supposed to be able to program the functions and brightness level where you want/need them. It would be nice to have a light that has momentary, then fully depress for on, then maybe click and hold for strobe. From what i have read, the Jetbeam models offer this.

As far as the 6p goes, its about three years old and beat up. I use it alot. So, I would like to put on a cren. stainless steel bezel on it, Malkoff LED drop in, a 18650 battery and a clicky/momentary switch (Mcclicky?).

Thank you all for the fast responses. Maybe I will just buy all the lights mentioned haha. My wallet is gonna hurt after joining this site!!!
As far as the 6p goes, its about three years old and beat up. I use it alot. So, I would like to put on a cren. stainless steel bezel on it, Malkoff LED drop in, a 18650 battery and a clicky/momentary switch (Mcclicky?).

The standard 6P body will not accommodate an 18650 lithium cell without either being ported/bored out (making the outwall thinner) OR completely replaced with an aftermarket 6P-compatible battery section, the 17670 would the most cost effective answer though I have encountered earlier 6Ps that couldn't even accomodate the 17670 cell ;)

There is a plethora of aftermarket upgade options (and sources), drop in modules, bezels, tailcaps, driver circuits & varying length (and capacity) battery tubes, should you so desire you could even transform you old 6P into a single cell, multimode (tail scrolling) crenelated weapon... something worthy of riding in your chest rig (raid vest) :thumbsup:

Thank you all for the fast responses. Maybe I will just buy all the lights mentioned haha. My wallet is gonna hurt after joining this site!!!

Spoken like a true Flash-a-holic... you know there's no going back now eh? :D
What is the best place (website) that i could order these parts. I know about and they are great. Im more interested in the driver circuits, tail caps and bezels. If I can build one to my specs, that would be even better. Man I love this place. I always thought I was a loser for having a flashlight addiction!!!!!
Surefire is a big company that gears towards the military and law enforcement, and I don't think they have a single light with strobe.
Correct...they do not...strobe is a defensive weapon, not a force multiplier...bright lights (that are dependable), whether hand-held or weapon mounted, are...

Same reason SF doesn't sell rechargeable weapon mounted lights...
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What is the best place (website) that i could order these parts. I know about and they are great. Im more interested in the driver circuits, tail caps and bezels. If I can build one to my specs, that would be even better. Man I love this place. I always thought I was a loser for having a flashlight addiction!!!!!
You can get whole SF flashlights (bored to 18mm cells) and spare parts from Custom & Mods B/S/T. Check this out:
