New Cree + light OP reflector version: Energizer 1W 1AA @ Target


Aug 4, 2001
Well, I picked up this new light after noticing it's got a Cree XR-C silver-core in the bezel with a slightly textured reflector. I'm pretty impressed, with a fresh alkaline, it looks about the same if not little brighter compared to the high (not turbo) on my Fenix L2D-CE (80 lumens). Love the forward clicky on this too, takes very light pressure to use momentary. I'm getting a current draw of 800 mA at the battery. Just thought I'd give everyone a heads up.
Anyone know what the current draw of the old Lux I version of this light is?
Thanks for the alert. I've had my eye on the 1AA Energizer, but haven't pulled the trigger because they had Luxeons.

Is there a quick way to recognize the "new" Cree version from the packaging? If not, is the textured reflector easy to see through the blister package?
There's no quick way to recognize it from the packaging, as the packaging is identical to the old Lux I version. The OP reflector is easy enough to see though, as is the Cree. Waterproofness seems to be pretty good, as the o-ring is thick and seals tight to the wall.
Wow, thanks!
I bought the River Rock 1AA 1-Watt ages ago. So I didn't get the Energizer since it was comparable since it had the luxeon. [aside having the forward clicky and the RR has a reverse.]

If it does have a Cree and the price is still $17, I just might visit the local Target. :twothumbs

Here is the packaging of the Energizer 1AA flashlights in my local Target store.

Wonder if the packaging of the Cree version will eventually say something like "20x Brighter" instead of "12x Brighter?"

That would make it easier to discern the Cree from the old Luxeon version.

Hope the Cree version can be powered by an E2 lithium primary without damage.
I'm interested in this light. If anyone that picks up a new version can give advice (or photos) on what to look for prior to purchase it would be appreciated.
are you sure its an XR-C? It would have to deliver a lot of current to generate ~80 Lumens out the front, compared to the XR-E. The XR-C die is smaller and IIRC it only has 2 wires. You could probably count on one hand the number of XR-C lights that generate 80 Lumens.

I have an energizer hard case 2AAA with an XR-C, it draws 550mah and is only around ~25Lumens.

L.E.D. the older Lux-I model draws 740mah off nimh, and 660mah off an alkaline and emits around 25 Lumens.

Hopefully they improved the waterproofing and switched it to a glass lens. The Lux-I version has a really nice color tint and smooth beam... Hopefully the new cree version retains those elements. One of the most annoying things about this light is that it drops off a cliff once cell voltage drops below ~1 volt... no low running candle mode to limp home by. Hopefully they fixed that too.

My friend just gave me a $25 gift card for my birthday:twothumbs. I was going to get the Dorcy 1-watt CR123 and mod it.

Just last night I was thinking, what the heck is wrong with Nuwai?.. tehy are stil stuck in the stone age with luxeon emitters throughout their product line.
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Yes, I'm sure it's an XR-C, it has two wires. Still, it is really frickin bright, I'm thinkin XR-C's are two times as efficient as a Lux I. The window is still plastic, but the tint on my particular one is gorgeous, I compared it directly to 1:00pm sunlight and it looks practically the same.. It DOES draw 800 mA off of alks though..
Yes, I'm sure it's an XR-C, it has two wires. Still, it is really frickin bright, I'm thinkin XR-C's are two times as efficient as a Lux I. The window is still plastic, but the tint on my particular one is gorgeous, I compared it directly to 1:00pm sunlight and it looks practically the same.. It DOES draw 800 mA off of alks though..

:thumbsup: for the color tint. It must be a pretty efficient driver then. Actually the polycarbonate lens on this light isn't all that bad, its one of the more scratch resistant ones I have come across.
Just last night I was thinking, what the heck is wrong with Nuwai?.. tehy are stil stuck in the stone age with luxeon emitters throughout their product line.

Actually, Favour Light ( ) is the company behand Nuwai, and they are making some pretty insane stuff, "M-Flare", a 7x Rebel 90, adjustable focus collimator, rechargeable flashlight that is way too similar to the LedLenser X7... They also have some Cree MC-E stuff.. I wonder if this is the same factory that puts out the stuff for LL??
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Yes, I'm sure it's an XR-C,... It DOES draw 800 mA off of alks though..

For comparison, the River Rock 1AA lights with reverse clicky draw about 795 mA from an alkaline cell. They run for about 2 hours and 20 minutes from a 2500 mAH NiMH battery.
Just got this light today! here are some pics. you tell me if it's a cree or not. I haven't masted the art of identification yet. It certainly is bright!


Sure it's an XR-C and not XR-E? Disappointing if it is just an XR-C.

One thing I've been noticing with Energizer and Brinkmann as they try to upgrade their LEDs is that they tend to use XR-C's in lights advertised as "1 watt," and XR-E's in lights advertised as "3 watt." So it's possible the 2xAA "3 watt" tail-switch light may eventually come with an XR-E after they phase out the old Lux III's and low bin Rebel's.

Also, they are starting to replace the reflectors in the side-clicky versions of the 2xAA lights with some type of optic, I'm not sure how to describe it but it looks a lot like the optic (the spot optic, NOT the diffuser) in the ROV 1xAA headlamp. Unfortunately, this type of optic pretty much makes it impossible to clearly see what kind of emitter it has through it.

But I still don't know how efficient the XR-C is. Is it at least more efficient than an old luxeon?