New DBS MCE OP reflector?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2009
Anyone know the difference between the "new" OP reflectors for the MCE and the old ones?
I don't know the answer, but I was also wondering if they had a SMO reflector option. I did not see it on the website.
I asked Alan and he said the new OP-MCE is a different curve than the original DBS OP reflector. The new OP-XRE is the same as the original, but with a lighter coating so it has more throw.

Tempted to order the new MCE OP.
I asked Alan and he said the new OP-MCE is a different curve than the original DBS OP reflector. The new OP-XRE is the same as the original, but with a lighter coating so it has more throw.

Tempted to order the new MCE OP.

I wonder if the new reflector produces a better beam with MC-E than the original one? I found the dark spot annoying with the MCE and original OP reflector.
I wonder if the new reflector produces a better beam with MC-E than the original one? I found the dark spot annoying with the MCE and original OP reflector.

I'm not sure what kind of dark spot the original reflector produced but I just received the new set and it's great. Nice mix between throw and spill, bright too. :naughty:
I wonder if the new reflector produces a better beam with MC-E than the original one? I found the dark spot annoying with the MCE and original OP reflector.

I just got a new DBS V3 with an MC-E and also one with an R2 WC with SMO, plus an OP. Did not know the MC-E OP is different, but good to know. Mine is nice and clean with no center dark spot. While the R2 easily out-throws the MCE, the MC-E is no slouch. It goes a long way for a flooder. I am very impressed with these two DBS lights. Beautiful fit and finish and smaller than I thought they would be. They have a bigger bezel than my Lumapower MRV's but they are much trimmer overall in size than the numbers would have you believe.

Hard to tell if the DBS can out throw the MRV SK's. They look about even to me, but I haven't compared yet in a really dark (non-city) area. The MRV SK Ultra, also with MC-E seems about even in flood and throw to the DBS MC-E, but the DBS is a cooler tint than my MRV (I like cooler). I'd say it is the same tint as my R2 WC. My MRV's MC-E is closer to a WH tint, though not quite. It is somewhere between a WD and a WH, perhaps a WG tint.

I had a dark cross center spot on my MRV Ultra with the original OP reflector. I noticed the OP on one on my MRV SK XR-E Q5's (these came with both OP and SMO reflectors) had a more deeply dimpled looking OP, so I swapped it, and since then, my MRV Ultra has been beautiful. No hint of a dark cross in the middle, so a fairly aggressive OP seems to be needed to tame these MC-E's. Otherwise they project a darker cross image right in the center of the hot spot.
I just ordered the new DBS OP MC-E reflector, new DBS OP X-RE reflector, supposedly a new smooth CL1H reflector (not clear on how much difference, I'll see), spare D26 MC-E reflector, and the new AR lenses for all my Dereelights. I'll post my findings when I get everything and try and post beam shots.

Also ordered the new 3SD Q4 5B! :) Nice to see Q4 available in neutral-white. Also hoping I like the 5B tint over 5A. On a color chart I looked at it's supposed to be more on the orange/yellow side, where 5A is on the orange/pink side.

It will be interesting to see if there are any gains with Dereelights latest AR lenses. Probably nothing noticeable, but we'll see what my lux meter has to say. I'll take before and after readings. :)
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Where are these new products available Wade? I can't see them on the Dereelight site.

The reflectors are listed under reflectors, the lenses under AR lenses. Maybe the Q4 5B hasn't been put on the site yet. I'd shoot Dereelight a PM, email, etc, and inquire about anything that isn't listed.
It will be interesting to see if there are any gains with Dereelights latest AR lenses. Probably nothing noticeable, but we'll see what my lux meter has to say. I'll take before and after readings. :)

Deree has new AR lenses? I didn't see anything on their site about them being different than the stock ones that ship with the lights.
I'm not sure if the AR lenses are any different than the AR lenses I got awhile ago. I'll see.
Does anyone know if the MC-E reflector (not the latest one) is just the regular OP one that can be used for a Q5 or R2 pill? If it is different, is there a way to tell just by looking at it?
For the DBS the MC-E reflector was just the same OP reflector used with the XR-E pills. Now Dereelight has a OP reflector optimized for the MC-E. Hopefully it's better. :p
For the DBS the MC-E reflector was just the same OP reflector used with the XR-E pills. Now Dereelight has a OP reflector optimized for the MC-E. Hopefully it's better. :p

Cool. My DBS MC-E produces a big hole in the middle at a distance. I am wondering if this new OP reflector will help eliminate it. For some reason, most people don't have this problem.

Now if only I could unscrew the very very tight reflector from the bezel! I tried with all my power but I cannot remove the reflector from both of my DBS V3s.
My DBS V2 MC-E has the cross shaped dark spot but its only noticeable under 10 feet or so...

and I also never have succeeded in unscrewing the reflector... I haven't tried that hard though...
Alright, I had a chance to play with some of the new stuff.

My DBS already had an AR lens in it. The new lenses appear to be a little thinner. I didn't gain any output with the newer lens, so I kept the thicker old one.

My C2H's had non-coated lenses in them. Adding the AR lens did improve performance slightly. Probably a 5-10% gain.

I still need to compare the new DBS reflectors some more with the MC-E. I actually have the new DBS LIGHT OP XR-E reflector installed with the MC-E. This doesn't produce the best beam and there is a visible + in the hot spot, BUT it has more throw than the other reflectors (original DBS OP, and the new DBS OP for the MC-E). I compared the DBS with the new light OP reflector to the Jetbeam MX-1, Tiablo ACE, and Legion II, and it was keeping up with them very well. The Legion II edged it out, but the beams on the MX-1 and Legion II were no better and had slight donut holes, etc.

Also to make things clear, I was using the Dereelight 2.4A MC-E pill, which may not be available anymore. If I had been using the standard 2.1A I'm sure there would have been more of a difference between the DBS and the other MC-E throwers.

The other thing I got was the new 3SD Q4 5B pill! That's right, Q4! Dereelight now has these available. If they aren't listed on their website, try contacting Dereelight.

I have a bunch of Dereelight pills over the years and some of them had had slight issues with low PWM frequencies, inductor whine, etc. This new pill seems to have all of that sorted out. No noticeable PWM on low as far as I can tell, no noticeable whine, etc. I have the 3SD Q4 5B pill in one of my CL1H's with an OP reflector. I had a lot of fun using at yesterday's Photon Fest 12 hosted by Milkyspit. We all take a long walk to a nearby quarry and it was nice having the warmer tint.

So I still need to do some more comparing between the new DBS OP for MC-E and the original DBS OP reflector.

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