New Dorcy mod !


Jan 14, 2007
San Antonio, Texas
This is a mod for the dvd-diodes we all love, using a 1XCR123a battery powered Dorcy flashlight, obtainable from Target - in the HOUSEWARES area - not the sporting goods ! It even coms WITH a CR123a Battery to use - how nice of them !

Here's a good pic of just the body :


And one of the beam :

And here is a cheesy vid of it : HERE

Now, I have this sucker pumping out close to 180mw !! Woooo-hoooo !!!
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Oh no ! It has al the goodies inside - but it is capable of running the diode as-is with the boost/regulator circuit inside...
Hehehehehe - that is how I make myself look rich - have everyone else spend their money :lolsign:

Yeah - you are not imagining things - the tape is spitting, and popping - burning like a crazy thing ! I DO re-use that poor piece of tape for most of my vids, though - so it is very swiss cheese like at this point, and almost ready for retirement ! I like the way this little baby slips right in the pocket, until ready to use ! Muahahahahahahahaha !!!

Oh - and they run close to $20.00 at Target....
Oh and that thing is waaaay brighter than my dvd mod. Must get new diode. Must get new Optics. Must get Dorcy from Target. Must curse senkat while spending cash on things I truly don't need but want so very very badly.
I just wanted to ask, what is the lense you are using in that thing? Is there a way to make it a bit better collimated? It seems to me like you're using the Aixiz module.

Also, what DVD-burner did you rip this out of?

Using he stock Aixiz module with plastic lense. The "rear aperature" has been widened a tab bit, to allow more light into the back end of it :)

This diode is one of the last leftovers for the same batch that Dr Lava did his group buy from....I really hope we can source some more, as I WILL run out soon :mad:
It is putting out 178mw on the nose - that is sustained, too - I pushed it till the module was a little toasty testing it out...

The Dorcy itself costs around $20.00 at Target, and the rest of hte materials - depending on if you already have them or not can cost up to another $50.00 total...epoxy, housing, diode, wires, solder, etc.
This is a straight out of hte box, good for you mod ! I did however add in a 47uf cap to take the initial jolt out. I also saved the Luxeon LED emitter - starting a nice collection of them, actually ! So now I will have some nice emitters for another project soon - I plan on making some under cabinet lighting for my kitchen :) (Shhhhhhh !) I am making my daughter do all the work - it is oging to be a surprise Mothers' day gift for the wifey :) Muahahahahahahaha !! Little does she know that I am setting my daughter loose on the cabinets with power tools, and a soldering iron ! hehehehehe !
And this will be me : ---------> :popcorn: hopefully it will go over well, and I won't get chewed out too much...I mean what am I supposed to do with all these emitters otherwise ? I SUPPOSE I could remove the diode from my Leadlight, and mod it into a Luxeon light...seems kinda like a bad idea though...:lolsign:
So... tested, and proven working by myself... I love it, it's a nice small powerful laser. Burns through anything right away. I managed to get it to pop a balloon (no sharpie) from over 4 feet immediately. Unfortunately I don't have a power meter to test it, so nothing to say there.

Thank you senkat for a nice mod;