New E01 colors?


Newly Enlightened
May 3, 2008








Yes I'm very bored right now.
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Even though I really don't like the purple tint of my E01, I still think it's the best AAA for the $$ hands down.

I would buy 4 of those in the 3rd pic right now, and never again complain about the tint. That is sweet.
Thats awesome! Fenix should really think about doing a run in camo, even for a slight premium, say $20 instead of the normal $15. I'd be down for a couple asap :thumbsup:
Always liked the Arc camo AAAP. Would be nice if Fenix did the same for their E01.
Tigerstripe! Tigerstripe! I mean camo tigerstripe, jungle or urban would kick backside.
I've never understood camo flashlights (or wallets) if you drop it, it's gone, and then it's turned on...well then the camo is useless. Nice photoshop work though.
Great photoshop work.

On that note, the only thing that has kept me from getting an E01 is the lack of a Gun Metal Gray colored flashlight. I don't understand their reasoning of doing Olive, Purple but not Gun Metal Gray (very popular color).
I've never understood camo flashlights (or wallets) if you drop it, it's gone, and then it's turned on...well then the camo is useless. Nice photoshop work though.

No worse than a dropping a black flashlight in the dark.

I would definitely buy a digital camo E01
As we used to say...keeeewwwwwl! :)

I've never been much for camo unless I'm hunting, but I do like the digital and as an earlier poster pointed out an "urban" pattern, in gray/white or blues would be cool.

I like the idea of the "tacti-cool" camo job on what may be the least "tactical" of all the LED lights out there. Something very humorous about that.

And yes, if you drop that sucker in the woods, fuggedaboudit, it's gone, man. I though Fenix ought to make a run in safety green, blaze orange, or hot pink, just so we can find the (&%$^ things if we drop them in a pile of leaves. Then it occurred to me that the most likely time to drop a flashlight was when you were using it, which would be ... in the dark. So, either it would be on, and you'd be able to find it, or it would be off, and, well, how would you find it in the dark no matter what color it was, if you didn't have a flashlight??? (Of course, any self respecting CPFer would have at least TWO flashlights if out in woods in the dark....)
Then it occurred to me that the most likely time to drop a flashlight was when you were using it, which would be ... in the dark. So, either it would be on, and you'd be able to find it, or it would be off, and, well, how would you find it in the dark no matter what color it was, if you didn't have a flashlight??? (Of course, any self respecting CPFer would have at least TWO flashlights if out in woods in the dark....)
Two is one; one is none. :D

But GITD around the LED would help, the 50% of the time that it lands bezel more-or-less up. As would being sure it was turned on when you dropped it...
I've never understood camo flashlights (or wallets) if you drop it, it's gone, and then it's turned on...well then the camo is useless. Nice photoshop work though.

Maybe its just a marketing thing. having more options for people that think they need this and that.

I know i've seen a picture some where floating on the internet with a military guy with two inova micro lights attached to his vest or shirt or something, i guess they can use it for reading a map at night or something, as long as its attached and maybe on a retractable cord, i think the camo would surve its purpose. to blend in when not in use.

Why do snipers/hunters spray paint their gun to match their surroundings, but when once they fire, a big old flash would expose them?