New GID powder!

There is a bit of real good news for members of EDCforums too... you'll need to mosey over there for the Low Down.
From the EDC Forums Announcement:

It has been a while since Glow Inc. has released a new product. This one is big!!!

In Mid-March, Glow Inc. will be releasing a new Ultra Green Glow in the Dark Paint and Powder that is literally 50% brighter than our brightest product.

This new product should far surpass the brightness of any glow in the dark products available to the general public by any company.

You can view preliminary information here:
Pre-order Ultra Green Plus

We need our "regulars" to help us get the word out. To sweeten the deal, we are offering a 25% pre-order discount for pre-orders placed in February. The discount is only good for the soon to be released "Plus" products.

To get discount, type PRE (all caps) in the "coupon code" area of your checkout screen. You should see the discount immediately.

Feel free to ask questions on this forum.

On other important news, Glow Inc. will soon start emailing discount codes and information in the form of a monthly e-newsletter. I highly recommend everyone sign up. The signup page is at:
Order placed!

I will compare the new stuff to the old green paint. Thanks!
What would be cool is a GID powder that can hold a brighter charge over a longer period of time :D

Do the new ultra greens hold a brighter charge after some time or do they also drop to the same levels after some time?
I'm going to have to check some of this out. :thumbsup:

LEDCandle brought up a good point. We need some "eneloop" glow powder! LOL. BTW I find Aqua won't drop like green does, and will outglow it after some time.
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Hey Isaac, yup, 'eneloop' powder is what we need :D

I find my blues outlast my greens in the mid-term (ard 1.5-2hrs), but at about 4-5 hrs and longer, the greens still seem more visible to my dark adapted eyes.
WOW! I just have to have some of this stuff. Will this extra-bright powder/paint be coming out in other colors, too?
Nitroz, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the new vs. the old.

LEDCandle, the new product will take slightly longer to charge, but will hold the charge for longer.

IsaacHayes, When you say the Blue lasts longer than the Green, are you speaking of our products? The Ultra Green should be brighter than the Ultra Blue throughout its decay cycle.

flashfan, We will be releasing a variety of new products in 2007. But none of them have the new brightness as much as the new Ultra Green.

greenlight, Yeah, you have been slacking lately. We need some new pics for the GID Projects thread.

Have fun guys and make sure you sign up for the newsletter.
Skylighter, I haven't compared your green vs aqua side by side (at least not yet I dont think?) So I'm not sure. But I do know my eye responds better to the aqua than the lime green, so that may have something to do with it too. I need to check this out further.
Danny, I'll try some of yours again.

TBH, I bought one of those handy 1/2 Oz bottles last fall, and while you use an agent that keeps it better suspended, I did find that the CP2-06 Yellow Green paint I got from was noticeably brighter.

In part this was because I let their bottle of suspended powder/laquer mix sit for a while, and suctioned off about 1/3-1/2 of the perfectly clear laquer top volume layer that separated from the glow powder I basically had a more concentrated remainder batch per drop used...but even flashing with a torch light, theirs was notably brighter in original bottle, side by side with yours.
I dont like getting involved with comparing our companies product against others. In fact, it is an official company policy that we dont discuss this.

But the last time I checked, our product painted brighter than RR. Of course, if you want literally the brightest possible paint, then buy our new product in powder form and mix it in a high ratio (about 4lbs/gallon) into our medium. I can assure you that it would be almost virtually impossible to make something brighter.
