Hello Everyone, I've been learning alot by reading here but there's just so much info available that I thought I would ask the Experts....I need a small high-powered flashlight for outdoor use. It'll be used for Mountainbike riding on singletrack trails as well as some Security patrols and as such it needs to be small and be able to throw a beam out past 200 yards. I have a Fenix TK11 (a little too large but doable) but the beam is too focused. I also have a Fenix P2D Premium 100 (180 lumens) but its a little too small and doesn't put out enough power. I like the flood on this light however as its not as focused as the TK11. I like the size of the P3D but still need a little more power. I have some good charging equipment (from the R/C industry) and some 18650 protected cells as well as some CR123 rechargables already. Weight should be under 200 grams (roughly 7 oz.) and I'd like to keep it under $500. Suggestions anyone?