Wow, lots of accumulated knowledge here, and lots of potential choices for a new light. I'm looking for spend in the neighborhood of $75, probably for a 2 AA light I'd use in the woods, around the house, and for those things that go bump in the night. I like AA because I can find 'em anywhere and I have an Eneloops set already. Build quality and durability are important.
I see lights with multiple lighting options, from midnight to turbo, and I'd be looking for something with at least low-medium-high.
Only problem is there are so many lights that seem to fit my needs. So I turn to the experts for recommendations!
Thanks for any guidance.
I see lights with multiple lighting options, from midnight to turbo, and I'd be looking for something with at least low-medium-high.
Only problem is there are so many lights that seem to fit my needs. So I turn to the experts for recommendations!
Thanks for any guidance.