New Guy Question - Continuing CPF Education?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 18, 2007
Hello everybody thought I would check in and say hi. I've been following CPF for about six months and really dig it. I also follow a few performance boating boards, car and trade boards and real estate blogs, so hopefully I will fit in here too!

Currently I have a Fenix L2D CE, and just received the Ministar5/MagLite upgrade running the 4/C in 3D body mod. I also have a few other misc. LED lights.

Anyhow, I'm decently handy with the wrenches and was thinking about trying some easier mods. However, I can't find any "university" or "how to" type sections. Are there any other places to find them, or suggestions on how to come up to speed?

Thanks in advance for your patience :)
Howdy CAB, and welcome to CPF,

It sounds like you are off to a great start with the L2D CE (I'm waiting for mine to arrive) and the new M*g LED upgrade. BTW, I've got a 3D M*g and was wondering how the drop-in looks with the 4 C cells?

As far as modding goes, be sure and check out the 'Homemade and Modified lights' area:

You will find lots of links there to other threads that include actual step by step instructions for modding various lights in various ways. Be sure and check out the very first 'Sticky' thread "Threads of interest", as it will lead to the Modified Flashlights Reference Database. Happy reading.

Enjoy the adventure! :)
