New guy saying "Hi!!"


Newly Enlightened
Oct 18, 2010
Hi! :wave: I'm Mike and I live in Southern Maine. This is a new record for me...I only belong to 3 other forums, but I was a Lurker on all of those for years before deciding to register! I stumbled onto this site less than 2 weeks ago and here I am! I'm registered due to the fact that I'm already showing the signs of a Fledgling Flashaholic! eq, Hiding my new batterys, Terra drop-ins, heat sinks, etc...from my wife, Ha-ha! (not well enough though) Just thought I'd say Hello and thank all of you for this extremely informative site.

Welcome !

This forum is an incredible resource, with some extremely intelligent and creative members. I only wish I had found it sooner.

What kind of lights do you currently own or aspire to own?
Hi! :wave: I'm Mike and I live in Southern Maine. This is a new record for me...I only belong to 3 other forums, but I was a Lurker on all of those for years before deciding to register! I stumbled onto this site less than 2 weeks ago and here I am! I'm registered due to the fact that I'm already showing the signs of a Fledgling Flashaholic! eq, Hiding my new batterys, Terra drop-ins, heat sinks, etc...from my wife, Ha-ha! (not well enough though) Just thought I'd say Hello and thank all of you for this extremely informative site.



Hi Mike. Good luck in your Flashoholic journey. You will find a lot of useful info within these subforums, and a lot of experienced heads to call upon to help you navigate through the maze if/when required.
Thanks for tossing out the "Welcome Mat" guys! Chicago X...I have just started my journey, so I don't have anything close to exotic...yet! I built up a cheapo Rayovac IN2D ($3.74 Lowes special) with 3 CR123's and a KPR118 bulb ($1.18 Radioshack) and fab'd a PVC battery sleeve. Then purchased a couple Terralux drop-ins from Batteryjunction for my 3D Mag and my AA Minimag. Nice step up there, for an easily impressed rookie. Ha-Ha! Yesterday I ordered 2 HAIII sinks from Setapong for my next adventure of a DD P7 mod for my other 3D Mag. Still researching the battery/LED bin options on that one though. So much to many choices to purchase from too. Should be alot of fun though.
Welcome Mike. Sounds like you'll be fitting right in here. Now your first order of business is finding that perfect EDC light. Plan to be hiding more stuff from the wife. :wave:

Hi! :wave: I'm Mike and I live in Southern Maine. This is a new record for me...I only belong to 3 other forums, but I was a Lurker on all of those for years before deciding to register! I stumbled onto this site less than 2 weeks ago and here I am! I'm registered due to the fact that I'm already showing the signs of a Fledgling Flashaholic! eq, Hiding my new batterys, Terra drop-ins, heat sinks, etc...from my wife, Ha-ha! (not well enough though) Just thought I'd say Hello and thank all of you for this extremely informative site.

Hi, Mike :welcome:.I'm sure you will find lots of helpful info on CPF ,also you will find many folks with rich experience and great knowledge on CPF.You came to the right place:).
I'm already showing the signs of a Fledgling Flashaholic! eq, Hiding my new batterys, Terra drop-ins, heat sinks, etc...from my wife

You are already past fledgling given you've mentioned batteries in your opening welcome statement. Clearly a sign... you've got the disease my friend, and the only cure is either more cowbell... no, strike that, there is no cure.

(not well enough though)

Practice makes perfect!


Maine eh? That sounds like prime flashlight country to me. Get a good incan so you can enjoy the changing colors of the foliage at night!

You are already past fledgling given you've mentioned batteries in your opening welcome statement. Clearly a sign... you've got the disease my friend, and the only cure is either more cowbell... no, strike that, there is no cure.

Ha-Ha, that's funny.....I woke up last Saturday morning and somehow, a Malkoff drop-in for a D-M@g is showing up on my bank statement??? :thinking:
I woke up last Saturday morning and somehow, a Malkoff drop-in for a D-Mag is showing up on my bank statement???

Another classic sign of flashaholism I'm afraid. Lights, batteries, accessories just appearing on your credit cards and bank statements. Suddenly you know the first name and grooming habits of both your letter carrier and UPS driver.

It is when you start pressing F5 "refresh" on your browser on a courier delivery tracking page, hundreds of times a day, that you know your affliction has moved to a new level. Other tongue-in-cheek warning signs are:

  • camping out by the front door day and night to be the first to respond to a delivery doorbell
  • hiding lights around the house so your spouse / family can't find them
  • getting a dog just to use your light more on night walks
  • setting up separate bank accounts to disguise your buying activity from those who may not share your affliction (try to infect them too)
  • dedicating a room in your home for taking beam shots. Particularly troubling is if you find yourself suddenly cleaning that room more than any other to avoid clutter in your photographs
  • you buy a light with a certain type of form factor and functionality, and then buy another with basically the same feature set before the first even arrives at your door
  • having lived without lights or with inferior lights for decades, finding that suddenly you must have at least seven lights within easy reach at all times or you experience a mild to serious form of panic attack
  • you find yourself remembering when you bought or traded lights, but not important anniversary dates

There are a great many more warning signs, but I've got to go press F5 on my browser now and wait by the front door.

Fortunately for you, upgrading a M*glite is far from a sign of a debilitating affliction. The things demand upgrading. You'll need to have a lie down on the couch when you show three or more of the above symptoms, or get to acquiring light seven or seventeen.

PS: Word is the Malkoff products are like Lay's potato chips. Betcha you can't buy just one.
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Eeeeek!!!! Some of those symptoms hit a little too close to home ;)

Welcome to CPF, and yes I carry 4 to 5 lights on me at a time to stop the panic attacks but I'm working on that.
The CPF market place is hard on the wallet, but cheaper than buying new :D
I'm glad I know where to go for some peer/moral support in weak moments! You guys are an absolute RIOT. And yes, I am showing a plethora of those signals too.....but until now I thought they were indicators of something from my childhood. Afraid of the dark possibly? Much relieved now! :thanks:

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